He may never get a big chest… Some are just built that way, narrow chested. And now that he is neutered, sometime without the hormones, their development is stopped.
Well, my human sons are all like that – built kinda scrawny {but NOT neutered, LOL :eek: }, so I guess Keoki fits right in.
Come to think of it, Dh is built thin and struggle with my weight. Maybe Keoki and Jazz are perfectly matched for us. ;)
rocky is like that.. hes so SCRAWNY looking, and he will be 3 in june. last time we were at the vet.. he was 18 lbs. hes very short in stature too though.
Wow…Rocky's smaller than Ruby (she turned 3 on Thanksgiving day). She's 19lbs, but looks much smaller...but she is a little motor and is all muscle...and it is hard to keep weight on her. She gets 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups of food per day...
JM...you cracked me up when you were wondering when Keoki was going to get his "man chest". Best laugh I had today...and I needed that! :D :D :D
Keoki is not a small dog – he's about 18 inches at the shoulder and weighs about 24 - 25 lbs. He's just s-k-i-n-n-y.
I assumed he'd beef up like those masculine looking boys at the shows, but maybe it's just not in him. Like Tanza said, maybe he's just built thin and the neutering really shut him down?
I'd say be happy he's that large, Medjai is just about 16.5 inches tall and barely weighs 117.5 lbs. I feed him 2 cups a day and some random treats.
Another reason that you really should not consider breeding him.. he is not up to the standard for our breed…
Jazzy is a stocker build than Keoki, at least K looks healthy. He has muscular legs and looks fine in my opinion. When you see them side by side it is obvious that Keoki is a larger dog than Jazzy and probably will never look stocky. I think it is healther for them to look lean than to be too large, I plan on keeping Sahara at 25 or under for her whole life. She is at 24 now and is no way looking stocky, she is built long and lean. Just like ppl I guess it is all in the genes.
Weight size, Keoki could use maybe a pound or two… but nothing at his age that I would worry about .... if he is eating well, I would just continue as you are doing...
Like I said, and is obvious in her photos, Jazz is just a stockier dog and I'm so used to that; I'm not sure what to do with a lanky one. He does eat very well, and is very active {also unlike Jazz, who has a moderate appetite and is quite sedentary, esp. for a Basenji}.
So, I'll call it good for now. Thanks again.