• Leo recently developed a rash on his belly. The spot is red and dry, but he doesn't seem to be trying to get at it. We aren't sure if we should wait to see if it goes away, or just go to the vet. He gets derm caps (fish oil) in his food already for flaky skin. We weren't sure if it is just the bitter cold weather or something we need looked at. Help or advice?


  • Did you change his food recently, or add something to his diet (even unintentionally) that he may be allergic to? Were there any atypical actions being taken by him when you noticed this? I think we need to know a little more information about the whole situation.

    If it is just a light rash and he isn't trying to scratch at it or anything, you should be fine letting him wait a day or two to see if anything changes.

  • @etzbseder:

    Did you change his food recently, or add something to his diet (even unintentionally) that he may be allergic to? Were there any atypical actions being taken by him when you noticed this? I think we need to know a little more information about the whole situation.

    If it is just a light rash and he isn't trying to scratch at it or anything, you should be fine letting him wait a day or two to see if anything changes.

    No change in his diet, no laying on heat vents. He hasn't acted any different. We tried to figure out anything that has changed and really can't think of anything.

  • If one of my dogs had that, I would take a quick trip to the vet for a look see….

  • I remember many years ago, my boy would get a rash like that… it was a yeast infection... but a trip to the Vet to get medication was needed.... You can try an antibiotic soap and wash it a couple of times a day to see it that helps... till you see the Vet.

  • Have you changed laundry soaps or soaps for hand/dishwashing? How about a new fabric softener? It looks like just on his belly which is why I am asking about laundry soap.

  • @tanza:

    I remember many years ago, my boy would get a rash like that… it was a yeast infection... but a trip to the Vet to get medication was needed.... You can try an antibiotic soap and wash it a couple of times a day to see it that helps... till you see the Vet.

    I agree… looks like a yeast infection to me. Take your poor boy to a vet. There is a shampoo and a leave-on lotion which should help. Good luck!

  • Maybe this is the same on EL D but it's not really a rash just redness
    ![](C:My Documents/My Pictures/196w)

    Occasionally I find him licking this area but it never really grows any bigger or redder. He's had this for some time. Suggestions?

  • Yeah I would take him to a vet too. It looks painful, poor thing? Does he seem to be in pain? Or bothered by it in anyway? It doesn't seem to be blistering so this is probably a good sign… Good luck.

  • So we took Leo to the vet, it turned out to be a yeast infection and a bacterial infection. They gave us 2 prescriptions and some spray. We had him home for about an hour and he had a reaction to the spray. (of course the vet was already closed) His belly was bright red and he was very uncomfortable and he wouldn't stop getting at it. We washed it and gave him some benadryl and he settled right down…back to the vet on Monday. We did consult with the emergency vet, but didn't end up having to take him in.

  • Poor little guy–I hope the other prescriptions are helping??

  • @Nexa:

    So we took Leo to the vet, it turned out to be a yeast infection and a bacterial infection. They gave us 2 prescriptions and some spray. We had him home for about an hour and he had a reaction to the spray. (of course the vet was already closed) His belly was bright red and he was very uncomfortable and he wouldn't stop getting at it. We washed it and gave him some benadryl and he settled right down…back to the vet on Monday. We did consult with the emergency vet, but didn't end up having to take him in.

    Poor baby…. and yeast really is pretty common... hopefully the other meds are helping.

  • @Nexa:

    Leo recently developed a rash on his belly. The spot is red and dry, but he doesn't seem to be trying to get at it. We aren't sure if we should wait to see if it goes away, or just go to the vet. He gets derm caps (fish oil) in his food already for flaky skin. We weren't sure if it is just the bitter cold weather or something we need looked at. Help or advice?


    I know exactly what that rash is and what’s causing it.

    My dogs were getting this very often. At first became quite concerned. I waited and observed the daytime habits of my dogs for a while and started to notice that they liked to lie on damp patches of grass and cold tiled flooring. They do this as a way of keeping cool. In fact it’s very similar to a baby’s nappy rash.

    So I rubbed the rash in with Calamine lotion using my bare clean hands until it was absorbed into the skin.

    Within 2 days the rash was gone.

    It is very difficult to stop the dogs laying on damp or cold ground. Every now and then the rash returns. I just repeat the process, no problem.

  • Basenjis usually regardless of how hot lay on damp or cold ground… heaven forbid.... gggg... Mine never lay in the grass and during the heat of the day in the middle of summer will lay on the hot concrete when it is over 100 outside.... this rash on a Basenji is usually yeast related.... Certainly other breeds seek out the damp grass and cooling tiles

  • Sol has had a similar rash, but lower. He doesn't lie outside (it's still winter here), so I figured it was food related, stopped all treats ( I had several brands) and only did his low allergy dogfood. It was still not great– I finally contacted the breeder, used desitin, which helped.

    At the vet yesterday for rabies shot, ans she gave me a lotion and steroids-- I am holding off on the steroids after one dose because if the urinating problem-- he had a accident in his crate overnight, which never happens. I don't have a pic, but i would say it was a moderate rash-- was steroids overprescribing?


  • Steroids should only be given by a VET, IMO…. unless the breeder is a Vet also....
    I would see if it is as simple as a yeast infection.. before doing things like steroids..
    And yes, Steroids will cause problems with urinating, as they make them drink more water, therefore have to pee more

  • If it's a yeast infection, the steroids will make it worse. When Senji was on steroids, he was eating, drinking (and peeing) like crazy.

  • Phoenix has had a rash like that before i went to the vet I figured a yeast infection is a yeast infection right weather in people or pets so i went and bought some "womans yeast infection meds" those bullet shaped things and just took it out of the wrapper and just rubbed it on his tummy alittle i rubbed it in and made sure he didnt lick at it the next morning the rash was just about gone went to the vet and she said that's what he had and to acaully just use what i did for a day or so and it should be gone it was a surface yeast infection and so as long as i just rubbed that stuff on like it was lotion he would be fine i applaied it 2 more times and it was gone he gets them from time to time and thats all i do it's a alot cheaper in the long run the stuff she said she was going to give me was going to cost me $67. plus the cost of the vet so i figured now i will just save the moeny and go spend 8 🙂 i would think there might be a problem using that if u have a dog that likes to try and lick it but phoenix could care less he just enjoyed his belly rub while i was rubbing it in 🙂

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