• This issue with my neighbors dog is she is a puppy and always pees in my house when she comes over. Without anyone there to watch her I am afraid it will get worse. maybe she will use it to. I will talk to them. The puppy comes over all the time anyway, but I don't want her peeing.

    I will check at Lowes though. Thanks

  • @dash:

    This issue with my neighbors dog is she is a puppy and always pees in my house when she comes over.

    Oh how lovely lol! Do they have a doggy door? If not then she might not know how to use it, and it takes a few days to train a dog to use it. Unless the puppy doesn't see your dog go through it, she might not figure out how to use it, well at least for a few days anyways lol.
    Good luck, you'l see it will be a great investment!!!

  • It only took Sahara one day to learn to go through her door. These dogs are smart, they figure out things fast. Lowes is where I got mine. Good Luck!

  • ok rather a silly question here but will your doggy door go directly outside to not a fenced area? I'm guessing if you neighbor dog comes over there is no fence - some of us are a bit paraniod about unfenced basenjis. If you have a doggy door and a fence how is your neighbors puppy getting in?

  • @dmcarty:

    ok rather a silly question here but will your doggy door go directly outside to not a fenced area? I'm guessing if you neighbor dog comes over there is no fence - some of us are a bit paraniod about unfenced basenjis. If you have a doggy door and a fence how is your neighbors puppy getting in?

    That's a completely legitimate question, and I appreciate your concern. It is fenced but we live in a duplex and since my neighbor is a good friend of mine and I was tight on cash, I just fenced in both yards without one in between the yards. Their dog is at our back window wanting to play all the time and I am sure if we had a doggie door she would just come right in.

    I will look at Lowe's this weekend to see what I can find. I looked on line and they look pretty pricey. The annoying thing is the B has been fine in the house so far-5 days. Except a roll of paper towels that were taunting him. The beagle is not well housetrained and she is good if I am home since I remind her to go out all the time, but when they are home alone obviously that will not happen. My first thought would be to just kennel the Beagle but then I worry Dash will freak out when his buddy is whining all day. Not to mention it is a guarantee she will potty in the crate from stress.

    So, I am torn. The expen is no longer an option since Dash just gets out somehow. Our camera only videotaped for like 5 minutes so I didn't get to see exactly how he got out the first time. Of course, he has gotten better at escaping since then. The first couple days they were fine no accidents no destruction. Then wednesday the peeing and pooping from the beagle. Thrusday we came home to pee, poop, a dead roll of paper towels and the baby gate had been physically moved to allow the dogs access to the upstairs. I tried to make sure the gate was on good this morning but I am a little concerned about what we will find.


    Doggie day care would be an option but I really want to watch Dash's behavior right now. He has been doing really well with one-on-one playdates but I am afraid too many dogs will be more than he can handle. We are working on some past agression issues and I don't to undue what we have accomplished so far. Sissy is a loner and only likes her brother pretty much so she would be miserable at a day care.

    Dash is way to stressed in a crate and I think it would do more harm than good. Sissy is fine if Dash is with her.

  • Maybe you've looked at this site, Jennifer?


    They've got every doggy door under the sun, I think, including electronic ones that only your pet can open.

    We live in frozen Minnesota and this is the one we have:


    Works great and keeps the weather out.

  • Ok I've seen it all, electronic pet doors lol! what will they think of next , an automatic doggy walker? Those are amazing, a little pricey, but a really good solution for people with raccons and stuff

  • @gbroxon:

    Maybe you've looked at this site, Jennifer?


    They've got every doggy door under the sun, I think, including electronic ones that only your pet can open.

    We live in frozen Minnesota and this is the one we have:


    Works great and keeps the weather out.

    I have looked at that site. I am glad you reccomend them. If I can't find something at Lowes I can just order online.

  • That door at moorepetdoors looks the best to me, wish I had known of this one, I bet it works great!

  • I've had a dog door in my sliding glass door, but I had one put in the wall when I got a nice new sliding glass door and didn't want to ruin the look (and some accessibility). I've had 3 basenjis over about 18 years, and they have loved being able to go out and sunbathe in the backyard whenever they feel like it. They stay in when it's raining or cold–but will go out to do their business.

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