• Mine like pretty much any kind of raw vegetable. I do not give them onions or potatoes but they snarf up cabbage, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. I don't bother pureeing as the veggies are treats not meals.

    PS I always give teething puppies whole raw carrots to teethe on. They love the cold, crunchy texture plus its healthy if they ingest it.

  • @Mia:

    Looking for suggestions on what veggies my puppies might like. For lunch I pureed some carrots with some fish oil and they loved it, of course I don't want to do carrots everyday so I wanted to know what other veggies that might be tasty to them, I thought of sweet potatoes, I know they don't like peas. I used the Del Monte Organic carrots from a can. Does this have too much sodium if I give them 1/4 of the can per day? For breakfast and dinner they have the B.A.R.F. diet.

    It depends on your dog's taste.

    Keoki has yet to meet a veggie he won't eat – he even likes lettuce, esp. iceburg. He LOVES raw carrots, steamed brocolli, steamed asparagus, cabbage raw or cooked {although those last three give him KILLER GAS! :eek: }, canned pumpkin, raw snow peas, cooked bell peppers... he loves, loves, loves his veggies.

    Jazzy is more particular. She won't eat lettuce or cabbage -- looks at me like, "you don't expect me to eat that, do you?" She likes raw carrots, but takes her time and sometimes won't eat them. She loves steamed brocolli and asparagus. She likes canned pumpkin, but seems to throw up after she eats it, so I don't give it to her.

    For both of them, I'd have to say that steamed brocolli and asparagus are the favorites. If you toss a little cheddar cheese on there... Wo! Baby!!! 😃

  • I tried giving Dallas carrots but he only licks them for a minute then walks away. I wonder if they are still a bit too hard on his teeth?

  • well my vet told me that carrots can not be broken down in their stomach because of the cellulose wall, so how they go in is how they go out :eek: …that's why I puree them, and so far so good. I used to give Mia baby carrots, but they were too hard for her I guess and lost intrest in them like you said after a few licks lol.

  • 😃 @JazzysMom:

    It depends on your dog's taste.

    cabbage raw or cooked {although those last three give him KILLER GAS! :eek: }

    ok no thanks to cabbage lol!!!!!!!

  • Also too many carrots can pack on lbs… as they have lots of sugar....

  • @Mia:

    well my vet told me that carrots can not be broken down in their stomach because of the cellulose wall, so how they go in is how they go out :eek: …that's why I puree them, and so far so good. I used to give Mia baby carrots, but they were too hard for her I guess and lost intrest in them like you said after a few licks lol.

    We don't feed carrots often because they are one of those veggies that will pack on the pounds, but I haven't noticed any….um... orange chunks....anywhere......:o Things seem to work their way through the system okay.

  • @tanza:

    Also too many carrots can pack on lbs… as they have lots of sugar....

    is a 1/4 of a can 2 times per week too much?

  • @Mia:

    is a 1/4 of a can 2 times per week too much?

    As they say, everything in moderation… each dog is different... doesn't sound like too much to me...

  • Duke loves carrots. I have bought the crinkle cut ones from the freezer section, I steam them a little to soften them up, then put them in the fridge for a couple minutes so they're not too hot to eat. I found the baby carrots were not an easy shape for him to munch on.

    But Raj, our other boy, tries to eat them, even though he doesn't really like them. Ahhhh….. sibling rivalry/jealousy!!

    I'm interested to try some of the other veggie choices you guys have all suggested! Any veggies that are totall no-no's for dogs?

  • My dogs like veggies and fruits. They especially like apples, watermelon, and carrots. Sugar snap peas and green beans also rank high on their list. Their very favorite thing is the nights we have cheese fondue with apples. They think nothing could be better then a cheese coated apple.

  • @JazzysMom:

    We don't feed carrots often because they are one of those veggies that will pack on the pounds, but I haven't noticed any….um... orange chunks....anywhere......:o Things seem to work their way through the system okay.

    My dogs digest raw carrots just fine also. (No orange chunks in their poop.) They never get gas from raw broccolli or cabbage either.

  • I have been trying to introduce Rocco to fruits and veggies. He loves carrots, frozen peas, spinach and lettuce. He particularly loves the hearts from romaine lettuce. I gave him a bit of strawberry, which he toyed with it, not really eating it but showing interest in it. Same with apples the first time, then he started to show some more interest in. Good to know about packing on the pounds with carrots. For now I have been using them and other veggies as my training treats. He did not show much interest in the dry store bought treats.

  • Rocky likes lettuce, i tried giving them carrots the other day and they just kinda shredded it up and spit it out lol

  • I was reading a Dog Breed book from the 60s while going through all of my aunt's old grooming stuff and it didn't talk much about basenjis other than their yodel and that their diet should be based around dark green veggies. I was surprised to read this. Has anyone heard this before?
    I think we are going to try more broccoli and spinach and see how it goes.
    Piggy won't eat carrots, but she does like cauliflower, broccoli, canned pumpkin, frozen peas, and she LOVES apples (which I only give her once in a great while due to the sugar).

  • Root Veggies have always been the veggies of choice for a raw based diet.. but that is for all dogs, not just Basenjis. Mine have always loved Cauliflower and Broccoli…. and too many carrots can be bad, as they have sugar....

  • I never have given mine cooked veggies - though I have used the water as sauce over their kibbles. EL D loves raw green beans, baby cucumbers, asparagus (and apples and melons but they give him diarhhea if too much) but won't touch carrots. I now also give him as treats, dehydrated sweet potatoes. My previous beastie loved carrots and had no problems

  • Nemo likes carrots (we used to give small pieces for treats), green beans, squash, celery (one of his favorites), cucumbers. He'll eat the crunchy part of romaine lettuce but anything too leafy is difficult for him to eat. He also learned he can eat cherry tomatos off the vine in the garden, although I have heavily discouraged that with the water hose. He doesn't get a lot of fruit but he will eat apples and bananas.

  • I've started mixing fresh, raw veggies in with my B's raw food (Steve's Real Food - very high-quality stuff, mostly meat). They are getting broccoli, carrots, and unshelled peas, and they love all of the above.

    My only concern is about calories. If I substitute about half of the total amount of food in their bowl with veggies, instead of with dry food or raw food, I hope that they are still getting enough calories … ? We all know that a diet of mostly vegetables is very low in calories. Any ideas?

  • @Mia:

    well my vet told me that carrots can not be broken down in their stomach because of the cellulose wall, so how they go in is how they go out :eek: …that's why I puree them, and so far so good. I used to give Mia baby carrots, but they were too hard for her I guess and lost intrest in them like you said after a few licks lol.

    But even though they are pureed, the cell wall will still be intact, no? T and L love carrots. and just today I tossed the remnants of a cabbage head out into the backyard, it was about the size of a softball and Lenny went out and carried it around with him eating it. lol… the love their veggies!

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