Possible Breeding Questions

  • Not to sound mean, but going back through your posts. You dog has had some medical issues, with his leg and digestion. You also said he was only 15 lbs.
    What does your boy have to offer the basenji traits, health and temperment?
    Again, I am not trying to sound mean. I love my Squiggy, he is sweet and cute, but up to standard- nope. He is thin and a bit to pointy. But I wouldnt trade him for anything. But just because I think he is the best, doesnt mean his genes are good enough to "better the breed".

    Also, the last time your B got sick you stated that you didnt have the funds to take him to the vet-which is fine because he got better, and I know (if you like most) would have taken him anyway and maxed out a card if it had been serious. But, breeding is SO much more expensive than you can guess.
    I say that from experience, not from B's but from sphynx. I thought I had it all figured out before I started breeding. and I did a pretty good job estimating from my mentor, but I still had no idea.
    You also need to have the funds sitting there waiting for testing and emergencies.
    If you think you can make money from the pups, you really honestly cant- if you do all the correct things a great breeder should. If you dont do thoes things, you should not breed.
    Because a good breeder will do all the proper tests, screen the heck out of potential adopters, turn maybe/ok homes down to give the baby to a great home.
    Again, I am not trying to sound mean or run you off of the list. I just, from experience with my Sphynx, dont think you have thought this out with your head. But there is no doubt you love your B. Id clone mine if I could, but he is not up to standards as far as AKC, even if he is up to mine.

  • I have posted worries about money with the vet, but I am working full time and the only reason those worries were there, was because my parents were so adiment on me having a few grand on the side for personal emergencies and wouldn't let me use it for the dog. I am also getting all of my cusstodial stock settled into my own name, so I basically over the last week came into about 30k to put into my savings account. I figure after testing and everything, the actual breedinng and raising the pups for awhile cost about 3-4 thousand and I am more than willing to spend that.

  • But you dog has had some health issues.
    And he is kinda small.–-But very cute.
    What qualities does he offer?

  • But even by your own admission, your boy is not even close to the standard size or weight? Again, what do you think your boy has to offer the breed? Have you had other breeders give you an honest evaluation of him and I am talking about long time breeders that have bred and rasied Basenjis bred for health, temperament and conformation? Breeders that have proven their dogs in the show ring or in a performance venue, not a pure for profit Back Yard Breeder that doesn't even health test and then has the nerve to say "I have no health problems". Have you reseached his pedigree for health concerns, temperament issues, conformation?

    You really should join a regional Basenji club, go to shows, do rescue, go to performance events, before you ever even consider breeding. And again I point out, when you were looking for a pup, you were put off by people that asked hard questions about you and your lifestyle, instead you went to a Back Yard Pure for Profit person that would sell to anyone that came along with the cash. Are you prepared to be a responsible breeders, do all the health testing, explain to people about the breed, SCREEN potential homes and ASK the hard questions? Are you prepared to have a contract that says that you will take that pup back for any reason at any age, even if that age is 12+ yrs? Are you prepared to be a responsible breeder and place pups on a spay/neuter contract or be responsible for any puppy that is produced by the pups you place?
    These are all the really hard questions that a responsible breeder needs to ask themselves long before breeding.

  • It is very hard to be objective about your own dog, esepcially if you are not involved in conformation showing. You need to know how your dog measures up to other dogs. You need to know the standard. You need to know your dog's strenghts AND weaknesses. And if you don't think there's anything to improve about your dog, you definately shouldn't breed him. But, lucky for you, Colorado has a fairly active basenji community AND there is a big dogshow coming up - Feb 15-18 in Denver. Check out Onofrio's website for more information. If you're really serious about being a good gardian of the breed, this is a great place to start. I'd also think seriously about showing your dog. That's a good way to get to know other basenji people, learn about the breed and let other people/breeders/judges/potential buyers see your dog.

  • This is true about conformation. I have shown Shadow and Sugar to their Canadian Championship, specialed Sugar, have put Shadow in Rally obedience, started to race, and am currently showing Damisi in conformation. This has enabled me to view LOTS of dogs. Not to mention have been to the Canadian Specialties as well as the American Specialties. So I believe I have a view as to what is out there. This helps tremendously when considering to breed and to what end you want to achieve. If you are thinking about breeding please go to some shows and see what's out there. Like I said, I'm not bashing you at all. My view is any breeder should be breeding to better the breed and not because your dog is on standard or you want puppies, or you have puppy buyers.

    Here is a write up on how breeder's choose which dogs to breed. Dr. Tracey Leonard has owned and bred basenji's for 15 years. Actually, she is the one I travel to to have my dogs OFA x-rays done. She knows how to handle basenji's and can get the x-ray done in less than 3 minutes (I swear) with no anesthetic.


  • You are 20 yrs old, right? And a new Basenji owner – new to the breed?

    You are young and new. Not to knock either - I am old and pretty new to the breed {having only owned a Basenji for three years}. There's no way I'd be ready to become a breeder at this time.

    Why not take a few years to get established in a career, learn more about the breed and the breeding process, and THEN plan to breed if you feel it still interests you? You have YEARS ahead to accomplish this goal if it remains something you really want to do.

  • Sadly I dont think he cares too much. Hasnt even bothered to respond.
    No one on here said anything mean, but he didnt like what he was hearing and is now ignoring it.
    Probably will go ahead with it too:(

  • i agree with jazzysmom..

    im only 19, and i have two basenjis, and i would NEVER consider breeding them right now (even though i can't because rockys fixed and mia will be within the next 6 months) maybe when i get older and are ready for the commitment..

    i cant decide on what i want to wear or eat for dinner and change my mind 2915701264730 times.. :p but you cant turn back once your dog gets impregnated.. things get tough.. and your STUCK with it.. you need to think LONG and HARD and be completely sure.. not just that you want puppies but because you want to better the breed..

    also, if you work full time who will be there when the puppies are born?

  • People need to only read about rescue dogs and how they got to where they are to understand why we are so outspoken about breeding (or as the case may be, not breeding) Believe me it is not and easy decision when you are trying to do it right… it is costly and a labor of love... pure and simple... I bred my first litter only to find 2 days before the pups were born that my bitch's dam had Fanconi... can you image what I felt? Can you understand why we are so against anyone that bred this year without testing? I went forward with a different approach only to get temperaments that I didn't like... I made the hard choice and did not take that line forward other then to collect the males for possible use in the future if I then had a line with excellent temperaments that also prove to "throw" those temperaments... and it was not that they were nasty, but just a bit to strong for my taste...
    Understand that every breeder if you are a responsible breeder makes very, very hard choices... and the choice to NOT breed it the worst... and the most difficult... which is why we ask? What does your Basenji have to offer the breed?

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