• Pat, can't poor food, or lack of food mess up their ears? I thought I heard that someplace.

  • she looks very cute!!
    she might be a basenji x jack russel cross or something like that 🙂

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Pat, can't poor food, or lack of food mess up their ears? I thought I heard that someplace.

    Not that I have ever heard or seen

  • Ok, I was in error. Thanks for setting me straight.

  • I understand that all the Florida rescues take 5 or 6 months for the ears to stand up well, but all have eventually popped up. One of the mothers had flop ears, but except for that, was a "perfect" basenji.

  • What???? LOL A 'perfect' Basenji? I would love to see this! Aren't they all 'perfect?'

  • They are 'perfectly basenji' , all the time!

  • My sweetheart Dale, his ears flop over like Chili's - he is a rescue too so we think he may be part fox terrier, though he is so Basenji like, not hyper like a Terrier would be. He is missing a back leg due to an injury he arrived with at the shelter, but that does not stop him at all. We just say he's misplaced a sock. I've had him almost 3 yrs now and his ears are still down. Here's a pix with his sister Pippi - she's a lhasa rescue - and missing an eye.

  • Houston

    What lovely puppies you have, Miles331.

  • Okay Miles, wow, bless you.

    On the Florida group… very odd that ALL but one adult has normal erect up ears and hers are just a little wonky. But a good portion of the pups have some floppiness to them, including Cara. She can put them up but much of the time they tip a little. If all the adults didn't have erect ears, I'd get it, but to me it is strange. BUT, her ears sure are buttery soft which Arwen and Sayblee correct ears were not. 🙂

  • @Mile331:

    My sweetheart Dale, his ears flop over like Chili's - he is a rescue too so we think he may be part fox terrier, though he is so Basenji like, not hyper like a Terrier would be. .

    Does Basenji-like mean not hyper?!? If so, mine is really a terrier, not a Basenji.:o

  • Mine are not hyper. Active and hyper not the same thing to me.

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