What cheese was yours named after?
Ours was named Monterey Jack :p We actually entertained the idea of leaving it & calling him Monty but whenever I hear that I think of like a fat old man smoking a cigar! Haha. Not exactly the imagine of my puppy huh? lol So we stuck with our first name of Dallas, which we got because we're both HUGE Dallas Cowboys fans
He's getting better in his crate but he still whines when we're not in view of him & he's in the crate. Hopefully I can break him of that this weekend since when I go back to work on Monday I'd hate fr him to whine all darn day! He's already getting great at going potty outside. No accidents (knock on wood) since yesterday morning (which I blame on Mark for not leaving him out until he did his business!).
He loves to chew on the carpet though…it's like an area rug & I would move it but...thne if I put it back he'd probably just start doing it again! He doesn't get what "no" means yet so I have to say no & remove him from the rug like 30 times!!! Haha. He's pretty darn persistant!
I can't wait to see pics Michelle!