My 12 year old boy injured his back, pinched nerve, a couple of years ago, jumping off a chair, and was hobbling around. We used steriods, muscle relaxers and pain meds, they recommended crate rest and we got a crate in the middle of the living room and tried it for one day, ha, but he was so drugged all he did was sleep beside the couch on a floor pillow for 3 or 4 days, my other 2 were very worried about him and stayed close to him. After a week he was much better, we weaned off the meds and he was 95% better. He has had a couple of similar episodes, not as severe, over the last 2 years. they said he has terrible spondylosis of the spine, may have more problems in the future.
We were very fortunate that his pain was not as severe as yours, and our other dogs 'doctored"him. Take it one day at a time, be sure you give all the pain meds he needs for awhile, and take care of your wounds. There aren't many of us who have not been bitten by a hurt or frightened dog over the years! I hope your wife's finger is OK.
Anne in Tampa