• New to the site as well as Basenjis.

    I have one little boy, named Charlie, and he's around 16 weeks old. He'll be going on Monday for his rabies shot.
    I actually didn't expect to get a Basenji. I started looking at the local shelters for huge dogs. Then I came across a litter of 7 tiny puppies at the local SPCA. I ended up falling in love with this little trouble maker. He's much bigger now. He also loves my lab mix Bandit.

  • He is a cutie! Has he grown into that harness yet? 😃 He looks curious and mischievous! And I have to ask…..what is the black spot in his ear?


  • My little fattie out grew that harness within a few weeks of having him. Charlie is very mischievous. The black dog in the second picture is 13 years old and doesn't like to be bothered, so of course Charlie has to try to pounce on him, and upset our poor old Todd.
    The black spot is an S. The SPCA tattoos all their dogs with a small S in the ear, I guess for identification if one ever ends up back at the shelter. My two lab mix puppies that were adopted last year both have the tattoo.

  • Wow, you got a lovely basenji at a shelter, good for you.
    Good for you to learn about this unique breed as well.
    Hope the rest of the litter mates are so very lucky.
    If you want a great workbook for raising a basenji puppy, you should
    order the Basenji Owners Manual…put out by the Evergreen basenji club.
    Its not expensive and you will find it helpful.
    Post to me privately, if you want to have the contact info.
    Oh, and bitter apple works great for chewing on the "wrong" things.

  • Welcome, Charlies Mommy!
    Charlie sure is a handsome little guy! Love those pink nose splotches!

  • Welcome to Charlie's mom and all her pack! Charlie is a cutie pie!!! That is so great that you have adopted so many fur babies.

  • Thanks everyone.
    I know that you're supposed to research a breed before getting a dog, however I pushed that out of my mind the minute I held him. I've been reading about Basenjis online for the past few weeks, but that book sound like a good thing to have. I looked for the website and found where to buy it. I'm going to send for it as soon as I can.

  • Wow, any idea were the litter came from? Hard to believe a litter in the shelter??… And idea who the breeder was??? Also, please learn about health concerns in our breed, go to www.basenjihealth.org or www.basenji.org. It is important that you know the health problems and become familar with them….

  • I'm not 100% sure about where the litter came from. I remember someone at the shelter said something about a man that has dropped off a few litters of Basenjis before. I'm guessing he's a backyard breeder that has problems selling the puppies. I've already read a little about some of the health problems the breed is prone to. Since I know nothing about Charlie's parents I will be keeping a close eye on him for any problems. He already had a hard enough time coming home from the shelter with kennel cough and ringworm.

    Thankfully my vet has several Basenji patients and is familiar with the breed.

  • Welcome and what a little cutie you have there. Quite a find from the shelter of a young basenji pup.

  • @Charlies_Mommy:

    I'm not 100% sure about where the litter came from. I remember someone at the shelter said something about a man that has dropped off a few litters of Basenjis before. I'm guessing he's a backyard breeder that has problems selling the puppies. I've already read a little about some of the health problems the breed is prone to. Since I know nothing about Charlie's parents I will be keeping a close eye on him for any problems. He already had a hard enough time coming home from the shelter with kennel cough and ringworm.

    Thankfully my vet has several Basenji patients and is familiar with the breed.

    That is great… think about doing the DNA Fanconi testing....

  • What a little cutie!! You'll learn lots of good tips here at the forum. Welcome.

  • OMG! He's soooo cute! Welcome to the forum and how kind of you to give this little guy his forever home…
    You'll find lots of great advice and loads of fun on this site!

  • I personally think you were suppose to see this wonderful breed, he needed a home and you were there. It just happened because it was suppose to happen that way. I had the same happen to me, once I held my B, Sahara at the pet store I couldn't resist. She licked my face and even though I left to go have dinner I returned right after and took her home. She was rather expensive, so believe me you got yourself a Diamond in the rough. Welcome, and it won't take you long to learn lots of great info at this site. The members are wonderful with their advice. You sure have a cutie there, and the old guy is cute as well.

  • I second everything that YoungandTired just said. This breed will put you under its spell – it can make you laugh and make you cry-- but we wouldnt give up our furbabies for anything. Welcome!

  • my thought is that we all who own b's have a great sense of humor!
    They do make us laugh…and hit ourselves over the head with the rolled up newspaper...

  • I've had quite a few laughs from Charlie already. He's quite the klutz, matches his mommy.
    My mom told me yesturday that she was in the bathroom putting on make-up and Charlie ran in. He looked at her then at a pen on the floor, then back at her. And while still staring at my mom he ran, grabbed the pen, turned, and ran back towards the doorways. Then slammed right into the wall.

  • Charlie is darling! Its hard to believe such beautiful dogs like basenjis can end up in a shelter.

  • Welcome!! And what cute pup 😃

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