Basenji/blue heeler needs trail runner parent

  • I'm involved in australian cattle dog rescue, and I pulled a basenji/blue heeler off death row Sept.10,2007. She is VERY basenji. Approx.1 yr old, definitely no older than 2. No signs of Fanconis. 39 lbs. I've gotten her all healthy, spayed, microchipped, and trained as a reiki II healer, and now I'm trying to find her the perfect home. Home should be: non-smoker, non-drug user (ever), responsible, financially stable, basenji lover, trail runner, who works from home, is retired, or similar situation where someone is with her almost all of the time, no cats, no kids, no dogs where she could get all the love and attention, lives in environment similar to Lake Tahoe, where she is living with me, where she could go running in nature every day. She's a very sweet girl, but she pulls lots of shananigans like the house and eating paper when she is bored though I think this could be solved or curtailed if she was able to go on a long run every day. She must be on-leash outside due to her high hunting drive. Definitely needs a basenji lover and a runner. Looking for her perfect match where she will be loved as a daughter. Contact me if you think you might be the perfect fit for little Shiloh. Thanks~

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