• My B Quinn is a little stinker. But he is at his worst if I take him with me while running around town. Everytime I stop to get out of the car he pushes his way to the door and tries to get out first. The best thing I have tried is a doggy seat belt but if left connected while I am out he chews the seat belt to shredds. I have tried a lot of things but as up for any suggestions. Also while taking a walk he goes crazy for cars passing by and if we pass a person he thinks everyone wants to pet him. For a little guy he sure is stong. I have gone from a regular collar to a harness to an antipull harness (which so far is the best)But he still pulls really hard. A friend suggested one of the spiked collars. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • I would try a gentle leader before a prong collar, their necks are way to sensitive and fragile for a prong collar. In fact I would NEVER use a prong collar on a basenji (or any dog IMO)

    As for the car, I don't know what type of car you have but I would suggest a crate if he is that riled up. If you can't put a crate in your car then best way is to desensitize him from you getting in and out of the car, you can do this by just sitting in your drive way, and getting in and out of the car with him, teach him the wait command so that he has to wait until you are ready for him to get out. And if he doesn't do anything while sitting just in the drive way, drive to the first stop sign, turn around and go back home and repeat the process of getting in and out, your neighbors may thing you're crazy, LOL, and it may take time, but have patients and stay calm. If you can use a crate I would still work on desensitizing him of getting in and out of the car and what is appropriate behavior. Use lots of praise and lots of treats.

    As for the seat belt, keep it on him when you are in the car, when you're not take it off him but leave his leash on him. If he is a leash chewer also try dosing it with Bitter Apple or something like that.

    Here are links to the gentle leader and bitter apple.
    Bitter Apple: http://www.1800petmeds.com/pdetail.asp?SK=10575
    Gentle Leader: http://www.premier.com/pages.cfm?ID=29

    Also want to add, the gentle leader is NEVER to be left on when not supervised, and there are many dogs that it can take a long time for them to learn to get used to it and tolerate it (some adjust quickly). And never is to be used as a form of punishment. Okay sorry I'm off my soap box now on that.

    Hope this all helps and can lead to a happier human and a not as naughty basenji

  • I would suggest a crate for the car.

    Oh, and no to the prong collar for basenjis (sometimes good for other dogs, IMO). Try a Sensible harness (google it) or a Gentle Leader head collar for better control. And try some positive reinforcement training to teach him how to focus on you during the walk, instead of every passing thing in the environment.

    Good luck 🙂

  • @TheMightyQuinn:

    My B Quinn is a little stinker. But he is at his worst if I take him with me while running around town. Everytime I stop to get out of the car he pushes his way to the door and tries to get out first. The best thing I have tried is a doggy seat belt but if left connected while I am out he chews the seat belt to shredds. I have tried a lot of things but as up for any suggestions. Also while taking a walk he goes crazy for cars passing by and if we pass a person he thinks everyone wants to pet him. For a little guy he sure is stong. I have gone from a regular collar to a harness to an antipull harness (which so far is the best)But he still pulls really hard. A friend suggested one of the spiked collars. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    My female wants to also be a little crazy when a car goes by so I started stopping when a car is coming and I tell her to leave it and if she is good and stand still then I praise her. She is getting a lot better at this now as a car goes by we keep walking and I say leave it and them praise her after it passes. My last female was the same way I don't know if this is a female thing or what but my male is very good when cars go by.

    I have never been brave enough to leave my b's in my car to run into a store or anything I would be afraid I would return to a shredded car!

  • Here are some links to the SENSE-ible Harness and the Easy Walk Harness.



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