Thank God For Dogs!
I hope things are looking up for you. We also had a horribly stressful day yesterday….my van was the vicitim of a smash and grab while we were walking in park. They stole my and my mom's purses, with EVERYTHING in, driver's licences, medications, my son's Thomas train :( As we were waiting around for all the attendant law enforcement that goes along with that, the officers asked me if anyone was home, since the culprits had my address...of course no one was, but I started to panic about the dogs either being accidentally, or intentionally let out....I couldn't care less about the *stuff in my house...but I was in tears worrying about the dogs.
All was fine when I got home..but still made for an uneasy night. And a difficult 24 hours while we tried to cancel and reorder everything in my wallet! What a pain!
My mom and I pretty much did everything wrong that posted 'hello, purses in car, please rob us...' but it still really stings... All I can say is ALWAYS trust your gut...I ignored my hunch that something was a miss because I hate to sterotype and prejudge people...but it got me this time :(
The only good news is that my new driver's license pic is better than the old one :)
Oh my god, how scary. Glad you hear you guys are ok. I am super paranoid about being attacked. But you just never know. You are in our thoughts.
Oh my god, how scary. Glad you hear you guys are ok. I am super paranoid about being attacked. But you just never know. You are in our thoughts.
Thanks Jennfier, luckily we weren't confronted by the thief…but it still worries me just to be involved at all..
Hugs to you, also.
Andrea, did you change your locks? Just in case?
No, only because they didn't steal my keys (they were in my pocket). They did get my Mom's and I don't know if they are planning on changing their locks. But, I had left my house front door unlocked that day :rolleyes: stupid, I know..but we live in a very safe community :rolleyes: and yes, I am dangerously trusting of the human race….obviously I won't be doing that anymore.
Thanks for the hugs...I really need them today :)
I would be really leary of the locks thing. (especially Mom's) Has she thought of it at all, or was she too worried about other things?
I don't know…I will ask them about it tonight :)
First - Jodie, I'm so very sorry for your ordeal yesterday. Our little furkids provide so much more than kisses. They are stress relievers! Along with a little aspirin, Duke and Daisy love to rest with me when I need it. I do hope that your Mom can get back to herself in due time. It will be difficult, but I will be sending healing vibes and prayers your way to give her the encouragment she needs to recover and help be with your Dad. Hugs!!
Second - Andrea, Our truck was stolen last year in another town - garage door opener was on the visor. I was so worried that a piece of info was in the truck with our address, that we disengaged the power on the garage door. I was so worried the crooks would come back for more…My sympathy for being so violated. Definately, change locks ASAP if they have your Mom's keys. Also, good advice is if anyone parks your car outside - make sure you don't have anything valuable in the car including mail, credit card bills - accessible account numbers.
Our truck was found in a Detroit ghetto completely stripped of its tires/wheels, HEMI engine components and all windows smashed. At the impound lot - the garage door opener was still clipped to the visor! I was so relieved to get THAT back.
Best wishes that things get resolved and you both get back to normal living. It is stressful.
Thanks for all your good wishes. My Mom did well during the surgery yesterday. They were able to give her a spinal which was great because my Mom is super tiny (85 lbs.). They inserted a pin, nail and rod. She walked alittle today and we are hoping she will be released from the hospital by Mon. or Tues. I convinced my sister to have her moved to a rehab in Staten Island instead of Manhattan due to my stepfather. We are having so many problems with him. He was so confused yesterday. He kept asking the same questions and repeating himself. It was extremely sad for me. We are in a wierd predicament because his children are not involved in his life, they are far away and don't see what's going on. When my Mom goes home (after rehab), and his condition does not improve (I mean his life is back in order and he is not as confused with the situation), we will have to contact his children. I have a feeling that they will not be very cooperative and my sisters and I will have to decide if he needs treatment.
Quercus-your story unfortunately reminds me of a story about 25 years ago. I lived with my Mom in an apt. in Brooklyn and she was parking her car. She got out to make sure she cleared the driveways in front and behind the car. As she got in, someone jumped out of the bushes, pulled her from the car and stole the car. Pocketbook and keys. We quickly called a locksmith, had all the locks changed and still put furniture by the door (just in case). Scary! The car was found a few days later. Totally stripped. The only thing that was in the car was an old contact lens case. Be careful! Can't imagine ever leaving my front door unlocked. I guess where I live…we just don't do that. I hope you and your Mom are OK.