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We've got our Belle

Basenji Talk
  • Yes we are now proud owners of multiples…...Week 2 and well this is the first chance I get to boast about our new little girl so you can imagine. 1st week was hectic since our 1st Champ is very excited about his new sister and wants to rough play all the time. She's was still a bit shy and not too sure about her new home so she was kind of on the defence. Week 2 ...and it's getting better. We are starting to see them play more together. They look for one another, sleep together. Belle wants to eat everything and loves her walks. She was neglected in her old home so we are trying to fatten her up a bit and put some muscle on her and she enjoys every part of it. Belle is more of a lap dog then our Champ, she loves being cuddled. I will post pics up soon of our two furry babies. Oh yeah by the way she YODELS!!!!

  • Hooray! Congrats on you new baby! She sounds adorable…
    Looking forward to the pictures when you can!

  • oh yes and so to add to the above….last week Belle was a perfect darling not touching anything of her human parents..but yes the true Belle is coming out and I am slowly seeing her horns emerging through her halo....she ate one of my pumps and chewed through one of her daddy's socks. We found her under the covers with her head hardly visible. What a defference between her and Champ. Champ will actually show me that he grabbed my pumps or whatever and try to chew them in front of me where Belle is more a down low gal. We are having so much fun with them. We are so glad we decided on our #2!!!

  • how old are they? are they both fixed?

  • yes they are both fixed since they are rescue. Camp will be 2 in Feb and Belle is almost 2.5.

    Funny about this is that I never though our male was dominant but let me tell you he is completely alpha. He snars at her if she tries to walk out of the house first, dosen't like her moving around when he's sleeping, etc. We of course tell him to stop when he acts that way but what a surprise. She's not alpha at all and goes with the flow. She has these huge dark brown eyes that make us melt. She really is a lovely girl.

  • Ha ha, that may change. He is showing her his stuff! Soon it will be her stuff too! And then, look out!

    Having them close to the same age can be so much fun!

  • They are very good with sharing which is why we are so happy. They actually chew on the same toy together until of course one of them decides to run off with it them we get the chase game going on.

  • Congratulations! Glad it is all working out great. Pictures, pictures, we want pictures! :D

  • Congratulations!!!!! fyi–my two rescues had a very similar pattern to yours--the Dad was the alpha male and his daughter was (notice I say "was") submissive. Once she got comfortable in my house, she got tired of Dad pushing her around and turned into the basenji bitch I think she was always meant to be :) She started pushing back when Tyler would push her around instead of being submissive and rolling over and showing her belly, and now he doesn't push her around as much. The rescuer who had many, many years of experience with Bs advised me to not interfere with them working out their pack order--so when Tyler would growl at Zoey--I didn't interfere. Zoey learned what irritated him, and she's pretty good about avoiding those types of confrontations (like she doesn't try to push him out of his spot next to me on the bed). And he isn't so quick to growl at her when she does something he thinks is innapproriate. Fortunately, nothing has ever gotten too out of hand with either of them--in that case, I would step in.

  • yes we try not to interfere much but can't help it when she looks at us with this big beautiful eyes and when she steps out of line we can't help coming to our first basenji's rescue…

  • Congratulations! I'm so, so happy to hear about your new addition!
    Wishing you many, many, many healthy, loving, fun years with Belle!

  • Congrats on Belle!

  • Congratulations :) yeah…and pics...need pics!

  • Congratulations! It sounds like they are bonding wonderfully already! Bring on the pictures!

    Anne in Tampa

  • bonding, fighting, making me…yes it's WONDERFUL!!!!!

  • Luzmery CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

  • Kudos on the new addition.
    Often the bitches run the houses…
    My girl will let my boy get away with lots of stuff...but like a MOM, once she puts her foot tooth out, the boy is into total backdown...
    This is the way it works well here.
    More stories and photos please...

  • Well Belle is starting to show signs of not taking Champs alpha behavior. She won't allow him to steal her bones (out of her mouth like he wants) and has fought back when he won't stop trying to dominate her. She will share her stuff but won't allow him to demand it from her anymore. We let them work it out and actually like seeing her give him a piece of his own medicine. Unfortunantly we are still crating her since she is not 100% potty trained and since they are still fighting we don't want to leave them out when we are now home. She doesn't like the crate and won't go in on her own even if we put the treats inside. She won't eat or drink while crated either. This morning I forgot something and ran back inside the house to find her shivering in her crate. Poor Belle but what can we do?….As for everything she is fitting in perfectly!

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