New - From Georgia
Thank you all for the welcome and we especially enjoyed seeing Cory's sister and cousins! I tried to post several photos of Cory in the Member's Gallery but despite a message to the contrary, only one picture is appearing. It isn't necessarily the one I would have chosen if I'd known only one was going to appear. Oh well…I just hope the others aren't appearing as mystery pictures in other member galleries.
She loves our 3 little grandchildren - aged 4 months, 20 months, and almost 4 yrs. She especially likes the older two whom I babysit 2 days a week. She "yodels" for them but they aren't quite sure if a real dog should be making a noise like that. I think she likes them so much because they can't put things up out of her reach. She especially steals from the 20 month old - often his pacifier. Cory has developed quite a taste for their Goldfish crackers.
PatHello and welcome, wanted to share a funny little story. I watch my niece a lot, she is 18 months old. She has only really been around my B (Deke) so when you ask her "what does a doggie say?" instead of the normal "woof woof" answer she only knows to pant !!!!!!! It's pretty fun. Oh and Deke loves goldfish crackers too. He cleans up after they leave….no vacuum needed here !
Oh and Deke loves goldfish crackers too. He cleans up after they leave….no vacuum needed here !
My husband has always said that we should name our dogs after vacuum cleaners…......wouldn't that be a good name for a litter: Hoover, Kirby, Rainbow, Roomba, Dust Buster, etc. :D
My husband has always said that we should name our dogs after vacuum cleaners…......wouldn't that be a good name for a litter: Hoover, Kirby, Rainbow, Roomba, Dust Buster, etc. :D
Too funny…don't forget Dyson!!! Welcome to the forum...your pup is sooo cute!
Great introduction, welcome to Forum…...enjoy!:D Beautiful B!:D
Welcome to the forum! Lots of great people, dogs, information and fun!