There's a new girl in town…

  • After catching the Basenji bug last year we've decided we're now ready to take on a female to go with our one year old male. We've found a gorgeous little girl and will be getting her in a few weeks (fingers crossed) but we're a little stuck on a name.

    Her registered name is Fayrelyn Tyger Ella but we already have a Maltese x Shih Tzu named Ella who is my baby girl. I am a little worried about naming the new pup (who we are referring to as Mia for the time being) something completely random and unrelated to her registered name.

    Would really love some naming ideas and advice!!

    We're into names with significant meanings (our male is Levis meaning swift, rapid as he is a fantastic lure courser), relevant origins, etc. There are just so many names and possibilities out there!!

  • What a beautiful face!!! No ideas about the name…but welcome to the forum!

  • She is just too cute…. what a face!!!!

  • I hope you get her, I love her face, she looks like a little deer. I will ponder on the name and get back with you. I named my female, Africian Queen Sahara, from the Sahara Desert, she is red & white, and she is definitely Queen around here. haha!!!!

  • Thanks, that was the first thing I thought when I saw her too - what a face! She does have that sweet deer look and my partner has certainly fallen for her too.

    Thanks for the welcome. I have been around a little bit but haven't posted much as I've been busy finishing up at work.

    There are some pictures of my girl and boy here

  • She has the sweetest face and wrinkles! I'm not very good at naming…I'm sure you'll get suggestions and/or think of something fitting! Keep us posted!

  • Thanks Nala, it's been tough picking a name and even tougher now we've seen the little beauty!! I can't wait to get some suggestions.

  • If you are getting her from a shelter, the name Zada would be perfect, means extremely fortunate person or dog in this case. Another one Sheba, meaning appreciates true wisdom would be good, Basenjis are very smart. You could call her Faye, but that is not Africian. I am still pondering though, will get back to you.

  • We're getting her from a breeder, same one that we adopted Levis from.

    There aren't many Basenji's in shelters here in Australia, I don't think. Most are rescued by the Basenji Hound Association which we are not yet a part of. It's a fair way from where we are living now.

    At the moment the name Mia is kinda growing on us, even though the meaning of the name isn't that great. I was hoping to find a work or name with Mia in it that could be her full name, with Mia as a nickname. Not having much luck though…

  • I love the name Fawna, meaning baby deer, also Ayala meaning, deer; gazelle!Elain, also means fawn. She looks so much like a deer face, and they can jump like a gazelle. Good Luck with the name!

  • How about Faline (like Bambi's Mate) 🙂

  • Silly suggestion, maybe, but for original pet names, you might think about Pokemon, i.e. Raichu, Zapdos, Dratini, Geodude, Plusle, etc. I am not familiar with Pokemon, but my son is and wanted to rename Daisy. I thought that he was being clever.

  • @Duke:

    Silly suggestion, maybe, but for original pet names, you might think about Pokemon, i.e. Raichu, Zapdos, Dratini, Geodude, Plusle, etc. I am not familiar with Pokemon, but my son is and wanted to rename Daisy. I thought that he was being clever.

    Oh, Jill…now it's the Diamond and Pearl version...Piplup, Turtwig, Starly, Chimchar...(shoot me now) I can't believe I just posted that! LOL!!!!

  • @nala121498:

    Oh, Jill…now it's the Diamond and Pearl version...Piplup, Turtwig, Starly, Chimchar...(shoot me now) I can't believe I just posted that! LOL!!!!

    You're good! I am so lost - but the orginality is wonderful! 🙂

  • When I was young…(ok I was seventeen!!) I was obsessed with Pokemon :p But that was in the green, red and blue stage…none of these fancy pets there are now!

    It's a great idea and I would probably have a look through them...if I thought my partner wouldn't call the looney bin on me, lol. But really, it's a good idea, especially if you were looking to name a whole litter as there are a lot of Pokemon.

  • @youngandtired:

    I love the name Fawna, meaning baby deer, also Ayala meaning, deer; gazelle!Elain, also means fawn. She looks so much like a deer face, and they can jump like a gazelle. Good Luck with the name!

    And I do love the deer ideas since when I first saw her I thought she had the most gorgeous little deer face…as did my partner and sister.

    I think Chris is stuck on the name MIA though so I am trying to find some names that might contain 'mia' to keep him happy. In all fairness I was the one who suggested it in the first place though and it is a pretty little name.

  • I wanted to change the name of my BRAT when I got him to the African word meaning "good new home" something like that. Since he was coming from a bad situation/home and I had just moved into my first home the day before I got him.
    But he knew his name, Squiggy, so I kept it:)

    I think I searched on Yahoo for "African word meanings" and found some website and just started looking.

  • Thanks Christy, I will go through that site. It looks helpful.

  • I was disappointed that the section for the pygmy tribes was not working. But the website looked pretty neat.

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