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Bright pink TOE - injury?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • I noticed this afternoon that one of Ziggy's toes is bright pink. It's the toe pad, the fleshy area just under the toe nail, which is usually black and slightly crusty. He doesn't seem to be in pain but licked at it a bit earlier. Any ideas what it might be? ~ Lori ~


  • @ZenGrrrl:

    I noticed this afternoon that one of Ziggy's toes is bright pink. It's the toe pad, the fleshy area just under the toe nail, which is usually black and slightly crusty. He doesn't seem to be in pain but licked at it a bit earlier. (I have a photo that I can send but can't post here on the Forum because it exceeds the size limit.) Any ideas what it might be? ~ Lori ~

    Could be most anything, a little cut, a bug bite… etc... don't know if you have fox tails were you live, but they can work their way into the foot pad by getting under the nails...

  • Looks pretty normal in the pic….could be a bug bite...

  • I've noticed with Zoey and Tyler that after they've licked their feet, even just a little, the skin looks much brighter pink. This concerned me the first time, but when I saw the skin went back to normal color after they dried off from the licking, I always wait a little while now before getting concerned. Why is the skin usually black and crusty on Ziggy? The crusty part doesn't sound normal to me? Maybe it's a caloused area that he's licked off??

  • When I say that the pad is "crusty," that means it's rough and calloused, as dog's feet pads normally get from walking on them, and a little "crusty" or "dirty" as everyday gunk from sidewalks sticks to the pad.

    The toe pad is still somewhat pink today but seems to be returning to its normal color. He's walking normally, doesn't seem to be affected by it, and isn't licking at it. Whatever it was, it must have been temporary and is healing on its own.

    Thanks, everyone, for the advice!

    The Z-Pack: Zen, Ziggy & Zoe

  • Mine have some pink paws some not…C3PO does get his pink paws from over licking & chewing. He's allergic to a lot of things so he tends to lick & chew on his paws sometimes.

  • And some of mine will have their toes get very pink if they are hot…

  • I'm glad to hear that Ziggy's toe is looking better.

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