New home needed for Foxy and Cami

  • I so hope you give us good news on these 2 girls.
    This could happen to any of us now.

  • Isn't it terrible? The responsible dog owners are always the ones that get punished. One slip up from us and we get horribly punished…and the jerks that broke the law most of the time get away with a slap on the wrist.

    This just sickens me...

    -From Denver...where Pits and all Bull breeds are banned 😞 -

  • I hope that a good and loving home can be found for these girls, it is a crying shame it can't be with John any longer. This is truly a tragic event. I hope John can find some comfort that they will be saved from euthanasia (for doing what most any basenji would do).

    The legal expenses will be horrendous, and though John would never ask, I imagine that any contributions for legal expenses would be greatly appreciated. We may not be able to do anything for his emotional pain and grief, maybe we can help with a legal defense fund!. Put aside the money for a weeks worth of Starbucks, or the cost of a dinner out, and know that it will go to a very good cause. This could be any one of us . You can contact John for his address using the url at the end of the story.

    Anne, heartsick in Tampa

  • Wow this is an awful situation. Would BRAT in another state take them?

  • Oh, I don't know…I am just a small "worker bee" in that group.
    But I am sure if John wanted to discuss this with BRAT, we all would do what we can to help.
    IMO, I work for the dogs.
    I want to do right by any dog in need that needs help.
    But again, I am just a clog in this wheel.
    It such an awful thing...can happen to any of us..
    Why is it that the dangerous dogs running loose are not picked up, but the
    county is all over John for his b's???

  • The City of Minneapolis is all over this situation in part because of the 7 year old boy killed by the families fighting pit - they are under a lot of pressure because that dog big before (2 times) and they gave it a 3rd chance and it killed.

    It is a problem of timing - I am trying to work up an appeal for this process but even if I can 'reduce' their sentance or consequences - John will not be able to take them back.

    Thanks folks for everything you are all doing - we've had a lot of hits on the website and I've fielded several calls - from people who are considering the dogs as well as generous offers to foster in a safe enviornment should we need to move them AND a Rescue group has stepped forward to 'recieve' the dogs to satisfy the currently in place notification of placement - they then can place dogs in other homes without further notice to Minneapolis.

    my goodness the things we learn along the way.

    Thank you thank you and keep thinking good thoughts that a great home will be found.

  • just wondering… what ever happened with these little dogs?

  • Thank you for asking - I am still trying to find a new home for them. I have requested a hearing to reduce the 'charges' against them but that is not likely to happen for a few weeks.

    Meanwhile it appears that they have another strike against them - people that have been interested but think that 6 and 9 are too old and then they don't want them. Some people are willing to take them in but have 3 or more other dogs - which is very likely not to work.

    I'm still hopeful that they will find a nice couch somewhere but iI'm discovering that it's getting harder than you might think.

  • @dmcarty:

    Thank you for asking - I am still trying to find a new home for them. I have requested a hearing to reduce the 'charges' against them but that is not likely to happen for a few weeks.

    Meanwhile it appears that they have another strike against them - people that have been interested but think that 6 and 9 are too old and then they don't want them. Some people are willing to take them in but have 3 or more other dogs - which is very likely not to work.

    I'm still hopeful that they will find a nice couch somewhere but iI'm discovering that it's getting harder than you might think.

    Tell them to call me and I will tell them about my two 16 yr olds, 1 14 1/2 yr old and 12 1/2 yr old…. 6 and 9 is NOT old

  • Definitely not with B's Pat!

  • Did you try contacting Chicago or a Wisconsin Basenji Rescue?

    Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin
    Shawn Smith
    404 South Prince Street
    Whitewater, WI 53190

    Basenji Club of SE Wisc.
    1139 Brunswick Ln.
    Aurora, IL 60504

    Any local dog show you could go to to hook up with other owners or clubs in your area?

  • Oh these poor girls. Makes me wish so bad that I could do something besides feel for them.

  • Thought I would add a brief update - we got a statement from the guy who was walking his dog - which is good because if you remember from the story - Animal Control has said that the dog was ripped to shreds etc.

    Here is what he said, "The dog walker talked to Ken and he said no the dog was not bitten around the neck and only had some hair pulled out on this and a scratch and agreed that he was bitten by getting between the dogs, not dog to human aggression."

    We continue however to have people not be interested because of their age - I know I have oldies too - heck I remember my old GI MO who on Thanksgiving morning ran down and killed a rabit - he was 14.

    These girls CAN"T go into kennel runs forever - it would kill them, they are spoiled babies and bed dogs.

    If you need the link again it's

    Thanks again for all you are all doing.

  • I would contact a lawyer or do something on your own. If the other owner is saying that you should be able to get out of this.

    Worst comes to worst you could keep asking for a continuance and tie it up for a long time.

    Have you talked to a good lawyer about this?

  • Oh yes we have a good lawyer on retainer. But I think I'm more committed. Nope we can't get out of this - the most we will be able to do if we are successful is remove the dangerous dog designation.

    Much as your car insurance counts you partly responsible for an accident because you were there. It doesn't matter what the other guy says - he can't take the bite back. If he had not sought medical attention we could settle privately and all would be well. But he didn't

    A little brighter note - please everyone keeps fingers and paws crossed - we may have a placement. 🙂

  • I was just thinking how these poor dogs are being used as an example. How could they have known the difference between the dog and the owner. What a shame. They are beautiful. Wish them lots of luck. Could not even imagine what I would do if I was in the same situation. Seems like they just ran out at the wrong time.

  • I am please to announce that Foxy and Cami are placed in what may very well be their new forever home - thanks to all who offered support and assistance and a big thank you to Keith Rhymer who found this wonderful situation and Sally Wournos for housing the girls.

    Foxy went up and liked mom and grandma and waggled her tail - Cami is of course too much the princes to react although her tail was observed doing one little wag.

    They are on a trial so fingers and toes crossed would be appreciated.

  • Wonderful…
    Hugs all around.

  • Toes and paws crossed for Foxy and Cami. Great job to all involved with this rescue. It was a sad-sad situation for these two furkids.

  • That is super news Diane!!!! Fingers crossed that this is their forever home…
    Send my love to John too ... what a terrible thing to go through

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