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Basenji vs. Cat…Cat Won

Basenji Talk
  • Finally after months of torture our cat Maddox finally scratched Chance really bad in the corner of his eye.
    They enjoy playing together and sometimes it can get a little rough. Chance really had it coming I guess you could say. The poor cat just got sick and tired of being his chew toy :rolleyes:
    I noticed that the corner of his eyelid was torn and bleeding and immediately called the vet but they wanted me to pay over 120.00 just to bring him in. :eek: Alex and I opted for getting an appointment today. Since I can't clean it or put any ointment on it I want the vet to take a good look at it.
    While he is at the vet too, were going to have his blood drawn for the fanconi test. :) Keeping our fingers crossed we get good news.

  • @Vanessa626:

    Finally after months of torture our cat Maddox finally scratched Chance really bad in the corner of his eye.
    They enjoy playing together and sometimes it can get a little rough. Chance really had it coming I guess you could say. The poor cat just got sick and tired of being his chew toy :rolleyes:
    I noticed that the corner of his eyelid was torn and bleeding and immediately called the vet but they wanted me to pay over 120.00 just to bring him in. :eek: Alex and I opted for getting an appointment today. Since I can't clean it or put any ointment on it I want the vet to take a good look at it.
    While he is at the vet too, were going to have his blood drawn for the fanconi test. :) Keeping our fingers crossed we get good news.

    Be really careful with cat scratches especially in the eye…. Let us know how he makes out....

  • Fingers crossed for you, Vanessa!
    It's such a Catch 22 with cats in the house. It's so good when they stand up to the 'senji, but so scary when it ends up with an injury. Storm and my old man cat (he's nearly 13 yrs. old now) got into it on the stairs about 1 week after Stormie came to live with me. He also got swatted in the eye. It was a rush trip to the vet, and thank heavens everything turned out ok. Storm didn't suffer any more than hurt pride at the paws of the cat and the hands of the vet. It was then I learned the importance of baby gates to give the cats a "dog free zone".

  • We have an 18 year old cat. She wants to be in charge. Deke tends to ignore her but his nose was bleeding one night from a scratch.. We use gates all the time the cat get one half the house Deke gets the other..more or less. Life would be to insane without them.

  • Chance is back home from the vet. It appears to have been a close call but he will be fine. The vet cleaned out his eye and said to keep ointment on it in the meantime. Guess we are really going to have to monitor playtime between the cat and dog :)
    I've attached a closeup picture of his eye.


  • Poor little guy :( …hopefully he's learned his lesson!

  • Oh poor baby!! I guess someone's gotta lose in those feline vs. canine battles :( :(

  • Aw…He'll heal quickly. It looks like his pride may have been damaged. You'll get 'em next time, Chance!

  • That was close, but at least it was next to, not on, the eyeball itself.

    Our cats have been declawed, but they can still inflict SERIOUS bite wounds, and can do more harm with their back claws than ever with the front. Keoki is DESPERATE to get at them, but I know from experience the results would be quite disastrous for him.
    We use gates so the cats get the upstairs and the dogs get the downstairs.
    It's working okay so far. Although, our younger cat loves to sit at the stair rail and taunt poor Keoki until he goes near insane. I do worry that one day, he's gonna make it over {or through} that gate.

  • Well, we all have these same type of stories so i thought I share a slightly different one. My parents keep Deke when we're away, they have a cat. Deke went over to her with a toy. she just looked at him. He put it on the floor and pushed it closer to her. She just looked at him. Finally he turned and walked away. My parents said he acted totally rejected. She was just too snobby to play !!!!!!!!!! So it doesn't always end in scratches just most of the time.

  • isnt that the sweetest baby senji picture you ever saw? :)

  • @felakuti:

    isnt that the sweetest baby senji picture you ever saw? :)

    I was thinking the same thing–Chance is such a little cutie pie.

  • Ouch! My cats always bop Kiora when she gets too frisky with them, but they never use their claws on her. since she is not serious, neither are they. However I always keep a spritzy bottle on hand and find it a great detterent for either cats or basenji. My coyote mix Ananda though would happily kill any one of them (cats) so I keep her seperate from them. On a previous occasion when she broke through the barrier my cat Gaudiur sliced off the tip of one of her ears and escaped without injury. It seemed painfull to me but she didn't even notice..except for then I cleaned it.

  • There's a lot of roughousing between She-Ra (the B) and Booger and Monkey (the cats). Monkey loves it to a point, and then will get up high where the dog can't bother him. Plus they both have gated rooms they can get into that the dog can only watch and wish from. :)

    Booger, however is an older cat and he ain't playin! All he really wants is to be left alone by the dog, but I think She-Ra really likes Booger and wants to be friends with him, so she doesn't quite get why he swats at her when she's just sniffing him. Oh well…no war wounds to report as of yet. :)

  • @torchsong:

    There's a lot of roughousing between She-Ra (the B) and Booger and Monkey (the cats). Monkey loves it to a point, and then will get up high where the dog can't bother him. Plus they both have gated rooms they can get into that the dog can only watch and wish from. :)

    Booger, however is an older cat and he ain't playin! All he really wants is to be left alone by the dog, but I think She-Ra really likes Booger and wants to be friends with him, so she doesn't quite get why he swats at her when she's just sniffing him. Oh well…no war wounds to report as of yet. :)

    Aw, She-Ra sounds so sweet and in need of a playmate. Maybe Booger (love that, BTW) will come around. Thank goodness no war wounds yet…

  • Chance has not really learned his lession. (ARGH)
    He and the cat still go after eachother. Alex and I have been quick to stop any horsing around :)
    On another note though…his eye won't heal. He keeps scratching it. I've been putting ointment on it for days but everytime he is crated, I come home to a open wound. Hmmmm.
    I am really hesitant about applying liquid stitch. Its too close to his eye and has a ton of chemicals in it. :(

  • @Vanessa626:

    Chance has not really learned his lession. (ARGH)
    He and the cat still go after eachother. Alex and I have been quick to stop any horsing around :)
    On another note though…his eye won't heal. He keeps scratching it. I've been putting ointment on it for days but everytime he is crated, I come home to a open wound. Hmmmm.
    I am really hesitant about applying liquid stitch. Its too close to his eye and has a ton of chemicals in it. :(

    You might have to resort to the e-collar if he will not leave it alone, which will stop him from scratching with his feet, but also rubbing it against something to scratch it. And I would not put anything on there that close to the eye…

  • hi, try some neolsporin for his scraches you can use it on cats, dogs. and people can use it too. my vet told me about it and he deals with basenji's allthe time .!. it's like 5.00bucks and the 200.!!

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