Because they are everywhere I go where I live. I swear I have dogs on invisible fences, you cross the street, then you got another person walking their dog on your side so you have to choose. It does not happen all the time, but it happens enough, to me.
1. My house
2. next door neighbor with dog that they let loose in frnt yard to go to the bathroom everyday! She came running up to my dog and twice my dog grabbere her by the throat and flipped her on her back. She does not bother him anymore, but still I can't go that way if the dog is out.
3. A path that leads to the neighborhood behind me, the that house has two huge Alaskian Mals that absolutely freak when they see my dogs, they want to tear my dogs apart, I don't want trouble, so I avoid them if they are out. They are at least on leashes with owners.
4. House on the corner with invisible fence, the owners are never around and they have two little mop dogs that come charging out at our dogs, sometimes the surprise you and come out of no where.
5. Cul-de-sac where the black lab that went through invisible fence attacked us. I don't even go there after that.
6.Cul-de-sac neighbor with wippet that they let loose in front yard off leash.
7. Huge crippled Lab male that the owners loose all the time. He hobbles around and charges strange dogs, but is friendly. Still I don't like dogs running up to us.
What do you suggest I do?
What I normally do is walk them at times when most owners are not out, like 6:00 AM or at dinner time. Still I have to run the gaunlet everyday.