• You bet - going out side alone to go to the B-room is a higher order skill and typically one that they should use for emergencies - they still need adult assitance (walk - company etc) to get the job done.

    I would suggest that in the AM you go out with him and let him run around and potty - he probaly equates going out with you as potty time and doesn't know he can go out by himself.

  • Well this is not the first tim we have left the back door open istead of walking..like i said i've been a little lazy. But yeah he's probably showing me that he needs and wants that walk.at least that's what i hope it is

  • I've had Tyler (6) and Zoey (4) for a few months. They were in a shelter for a couple of years and with a breeder prior to that. When I brought them home, they seemed to be housetrained (I have a dog door) but would sometimes have "accidents." So now I tell them to go out and potty in the a.m. when we get up–and they have to do their business before we start our morning routine. Also--before bed, I walk to the dog door and tell them to go out and go potty. This is in addition to their daily walks. They have a bedroom with the dog door to the backyard when I'm not home--and they are consistent about doing their business in the backyard. I do think it can be difficult for any dog who is left in a crate for a long time to "hold it." When Zoey and Tyler were in the shelter, if they didn't get their a.m. outdoor run time on time, they would go in their kennel. I also worry about UTI infections because I've suffered from them myself--and one of the things you are never supposed to do is "hold it" when you feel the need to go because holding urine can allow bacteria to build up and an infection to take hold.

  • we are doing a trial test and going back to being consistant with the 3 walks so we'll see, hopefully no more accidents but if so it will be straight to the vet

  • @JazzysMom:

    Didn't someone say that sometimes the pups will take a step or two back at around 6 or 7 mos? I thought I'd read that here.

    It gave me hope when, earlier this week Keoki peed on the floor after not having done that for a month and a half! It was a real WTH moment for me! And it was his usual trail through the room like he used to do before and during his house-breaking days.

    Wyatt has regressed in the past 2 weeks also. He went potty in the house twice, and it was in the same places he went when he was potty training. He hadn't had any accidents in so long and nothing in his routine has changed. He is getting wisdom teeth or molars too. He has been really working his back teeth on his chew toys lately.

  • so has champ but he's 1 1/2 i wouldn't think he is going through teething..can he be?

  • @luzmery928:

    so has champ but he's 1 1/2 i wouldn't think he is going through teething..can he be?

    Nope, not at 1 1/2 yrs….

  • Well i think I found the answer the whole peeing in the house thing with regards to our Champ….I have started our routine back up of the am and pm walks and of course the afternoon walks and it's been 3 days now and no peeing. Hope it continues and he even seems to have more energy in the morning like when we first got him.. Exercise is definetly key to many issue with Basenji's, at least from my experince.

  • I remember at some point in Caesar's life and learning my work schedule with kennel time, he started to drink less water in the morning so he wouldnt have to pee.

    I have to watch Cairo and his eating time the night before and his activity to decide on if he can hold it all day while i am at work or not. Routines are key.

  • If you get into the habit of walks/marking they will actually save their pee just for their walks. To them it's like going on a trip with a full tank of gas.

    I can't remember the last time ourmale had an accident. He loves & needs his walks.

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