Puppy Parents
All of these are just adorable! I love the transitions!
Nexa sure has alot of skin folds. I love that - looks so soft. The obvious transition I see is that they have such big EYES of innocence and short legs. Then all of a sudden, long legs and wiser eyed. Too cute!
Cairo is a gorgeous brindle. You and Caesar look so happy too!
Here is a link to Kobey….
www.tanzabasenjis.net/kobeygrowing.html -
Okay, so the first one is Ariel (Avongara Ariel) at six weeks. Then about four months, and then today, almost seven months.
For those that are new to all of this, she is a full African, which means she is descended down from the Basenjis that were imported from Central Africa in 1987-'88. She is Brindle with a saddle and mask, which is why she is so dark, and looks a little "different". She is probably THE most adorable and loveable puppy we have had here. She is always wagging, and wants to be with the people ALL the time. She also is by far the best listener!
I don't have any photos of Keoki as a little tiny boy because we got him at about 3 mos, but here's one from that age and three from now, just about six months
{IF I link them correctly! No matter how many times I do this, I always forgot how}Keoki, about 3 mos
Keoki, six months, THE FACE
Keoki, six months, right side
Keoki, six months, left side