what a great picture…such friends.
Goober, the day after he was attacked
The next day he's all full of spit and vinegar
Ohhh - Goober looks soooo sweet! I love his ears. He looks so different than the pup in your avitar. Give hims lots of extra special gentle hugs for me. Glad he wasn't hurt too bad in the attack. Now would be a good time to take him to puppy classes so he can get some nice socializing with other good puppies. Might help him heal the emotional wounds he suffered from the pit dog.
Those ears just KILL me!!! I love them! How can you ever take that face seriously? You must smile every time you look at him.
I think Jill's idea is a great one. Get him back on track with realizing that dogs can be friends!
he met his friend monty-the newfoundland- on his walk today. they got along well enough.
What a cutie!! He seems fine in the pic thank goodness. But what's with the "whale eye" look he's giving??? It's as if there was something scaring him?
Good idea-keep getting him out and about!
He is a beauty!!
Is Goober part Jack Rabbit?? So cute!!!
Adorable!! Glad to know he's back to his old self! What a scare!