Pit Bull Attack
I hate the term "guard dog" from most people. 9 times out of 10 it means they have a poorly socialized, inadequately trained BIG dog.
And you are so right: Like with Basenjis, only way moreso because of the sheer power of the breed, training must be constant and consistent.
Guard dog is exactly what the name implies. A highly trained, socialized, temperment tested dog that obeys every command the owner gives the first time, every time. I cringe when I see the cops on TV with their poorly trained dogs. In the private sector that we train, if a dog doesn't obey the first command in a consistent manner he goes back to basic obedience before moving forward. Yes, I understand sometimes 2nd commands happen-but they should be few and very far between. If I say return to a guard dog, I mean return and let it go. Again training doesn't happen overnight and any idiot can train a dog to bite someone-scary isn't it!