• Basically, if look up at the statistics of dogs which bite usually, so first place takes Labradors, then Beagles and then Cocker Spaniels…
    I'm not afraid of pitbulls or some other Fight-dogs, cause, if dog raised in normal family so it will be friendly to everyone, but if dog raised in hands of the Fighter, so it will be "Machine For Kill"...
    By the way, I've made a video, if anyone'd like to see it, it's there => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T64LJu3-JOE

  • Trixie:
    That video was very sad. But it is a hard reality!

    Thanks. I will check her out. It's so hard to know whose technique or who the right trainer is when there are so many out there. I have also been watching "At the end of my leash" with trainer Brad Pattison.

  • Thanks,
    That's why I've made it..Cause I got tired of ppl calling dogs such pittbulls - killers…so I decided to make a true video...Dog never rais by itself...Someone have to help them...So it's really fortune, to get into good family, not an asshole who gonna make a money on dog's blood...

  • @jys1011:

    I don't believe any breed is "known" for biting…I believe many human breeds are known for raising dogs that bite. I think it's unfair to blame a dog or a breed for biting when really 9 times out of 10 the human has either encouraged the bite or allowed an occasion to bite.

    It is a very small percentage of animals that are aggressive due to neurological disorders.

    i completely agree. I am a firm propenent for Pit Bulls and cannot stand close-minded people who discriminate against dogs just because of their breed. How many people realize that "Chance" from the movie "Homeward Bound" is a type of pitt bull terrier?

    Any dog can be taught that biting is okay. Half of the reported rott/dobie/shepard/pitt bites are actually from mutts or dogs that aren't even close to being the breed they are preported to be. It is simply a news making tactic. No one wants to hear about the Yorkie that bit a kid in Central Park; but say it was a "bully breed" and you've made the 10 o'clock news!

    Any dog can be a good family dog… and any dog can be the meanest most agressive creature known to man. It all depends on training and socialization. The sadest part is that people due truly expect their dog to come "ready-made" and perfect; when they don't measure up to their "Lassie" expectations immediately, the animal is the one with the issues, not the human.

    Very sad.

  • Yeah, and wasn't the little rascals dog a pit bull terrier? I am not against pits in general, but just saying that the few in my neighborhood were breed for fighting, I know this because the owners told me, they said not to worry, they have been "deprogrammed". All I mean is that I do not believe you can erase such behavior, you just can't. Its not so much the dogs want to eat me, as it is they want to "kill" my basenji and rat terrier. Its what they were taught, by humans. Not their fault but the owners.

  • This is a pit, her name is Cisco and she belongs to a family friend. Great dog, my friends payed alot of money to get Cisco from a reputable breeder, they even took her to training, puppy kindergarten, Canine good citizen(or something like that) I am not against pit bulls, and I want to be very clear when I say that. Isn't she a beautful dog?
    I just wanted to share this, so that everyone knows I am not against any breed, but there are some owners I'd like to choke.

  • Someone sent me a message about this pic and it made alot of sense to me. They said that you can see the good spirit of Cisco in her eyes.;) I think you can, she is so sweet!

  • I love how they smile… My sister-in-law has a pit bull rescue and it cracks us up how he's scared of my little papillion. When the dogs get together, my little pap is the "leader of the pack"... no the big burly pitt. It is hillarious!

  • One of my nieces pits is scared of a floor lamp that they have. LOL She's okay if it stays in the same spot they placed it when they were moving into this house a year and a half ago, but if they move it – whether she is in the room at the time or not -- Cody freaks out and starts barking and running down the hall, then she'll come back to check on it and bark and run again. It's crazy. We can't figure out what is scaring her about it.

  • I don't remember where I saw this - and it was some time ago so I'm sure the stats have changed but I thought I remembered that the Cocker Spaniel was the dog that bit the most. Anyone ever remember seeing a list like that?

  • Way back in the day when I was a vet tech, most other techs would agree that cockers were by far THE worst. I am not sure if I ever actually saw it written anywhere. Back then there were a ton of cockers though too.

  • According to my vet, he says he would rather see a pit bull, than an Akita! Everytime he has seen an Akita it has tryed/ or bit him. In my city they all fear Akitas! LOL:)

  • Working at a vet office made me prejudice against cocker spaniels. Anytime we had one come in you could almost be sure it would try to bite one of us! I'll just go ahead and sayI know they are not all that way. Give me a pit bull any day over a cocker spaniel 🙂

  • Cockers were extra bad because they would pee on you and Then bite!

  • Well, I am going to put in my 2 cents here as not only do I have senji's but I also have German shepherds. And I can say after 7 years of being around and showing them I can say it is the socialization they receive as puppies. That is with any breed. I have friends that have pits and they are sweet dogs but if the person(s) who care for these dogs on a daily basis do not understand how to properly socialize a pup then there is bound to be an accident or two.
    I socialize my pups starting from day 1 puppies are imprinted w/ the human sent as so they will not have fear, when they are about 3 weeks I start to allow outsiders come in and play and cuddle with them. Then as they grow they are taken out and introduced to new sounds and smells. If I have a pup that seems a little more shy than the others I will spend extra time with them. I believe it really gets down to responsiblity as an owner/breeder to socialize pups early so they grow up to be well adjusted k-9's able to adapt to any situation.

  • Can I just say "thank you" to everyone for keeping this a civilized conversation? Kudos to All! So many times I see breed discussions like the one we are having here turn into shouting matches or name calling… and things get ugly fast.

    Thanks everyone for keeping this an enlightened and educational conversation!

  • @Catchme:


    It's worth as much as any of the rest of ours. 😃

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