@elbrant Thanks. I really think she looks like a Shiba Inu in that picture! If I go to the front door, she'll normally be looking down (upstairs flat). The third pic I'd caught her nibbling the banister, so a bit of guilt in her eyes!
Ha, no way, she's not wanting for walks! She's generally really good in the house, all of her nibbling except that one were when she was much younger. I've managed to get away with minimal damage.
This was her Saturday night while I was assembling some furniture, she was fast asleep!
She's cuddly but was literally under me, it was unusual but now I know why.
And to add to all this… she is still growing/changing at this stage... adding in being in season... is just another fact of life to deal with.... It is difficult with baby puppy bitches to figure out ideal weight... they change so much daily....