• AWW man, this one night when my husband was on duty and i was alone. i was reading a book and Jack was DEAD asleep at the end of the bed (I believe he was snoring) and it was rather quiet and late at night. All the sudden, Jack sits STRAIGHT up raises the hair on his back, and Stares at the left corner of our room and s…l...o...w...ly follows Something to the right corner of our room, then lays back down and goes to SLEEP!!! I ABOUT had a heart attack!!!:eek: i was SOOO freaked out that i woke him back up, turned on the TV and left the lights on that night (and forced Jack to sleep next to me) I'm over it now, that was MONTHS ago. and hasn't happened again since, BUT HONESTLY, it was the SCARIEST thing Ive ever had to go thru!!!! I don't think i believe in ghosts, but who knows what it was!!


  • Any time I'm alone at night with or without my dog(s), anything can scare me. It is a fight or flight situation when the imagination goes wild. Duke hears outside noises and freaks if it isn't normal. So - I love having a dog that alerts me for safety, but even better if they bark (Duke bark-barks) What better reason to have a dog? IMO- It is normal to have fear, be it furry or not. Keep your car keys (for panic) and cell phone (911) close at all times.

  • Do you think he might've been sleepwalking? Or in basenji terms…sleep stalking?

  • My male scared the crap out of my wife & myself. In the middle of the night I hear a man screaming like he's getting knifed to death. Loud blood curdling screaming!

    I go down stairs and find the dog in his crate looking at me like "what?"

    I never heard ANYTHING like that.

  • I'm not sure about Ghosts 😕 but they definitely hear things we don't sometimes. It's strange…my little C3PO is my radar for sure..when I see his ears perk up I know something's up :eek: :eek: he could be past out asleep but he'll be UP in a jiffy!

  • I guess its a good thing, but i wish he had done it when someone was with me, so i wouldn't have been so scared!!! It was like he saw something i couldn't go from one side of the room to the other. And if he hadn't had his hackles up, i dont think i would have been so affected by it.

  • @elena86:

    Do you think he might've been sleepwalking? Or in basenji terms…sleep stalking?

    I thought that, but his eyes were definatly WIDE open and Hackles up…he was awake...

  • @Barklessdog:

    My male scared the crap out of my wife & myself. In the middle of the night I hear a man screaming like he's getting knifed to death. Loud blood curdling screaming!

    I go down stairs and find the dog in his crate looking at me like "what?"

    I never heard ANYTHING like that.

    WEIRD…so it was your dog that made the noise? i wonder how, just a high pitch yodel i guess??

  • N o it was him. It was a dark deep scream that was human in nature.

    Like they describe here-

    I have never heard anything even remotely like that coming out of him. He had to be having a really bad dream to scream like that. Or his tail got caught in his crate bars?

    his tail will not uncurl

    He won't tell us though

  • LOL…I dont think Jack has ever made a noise like that...It would scare me to death tooo

  • Well, if it was a ghost, know that Jack was there to protect you….hackels and all.....

  • yeah, "NO quick moves dead floating guy or ill Get'Cha!!"


  • What are Hackles?

  • it's when all the hair stands up on their back

  • i swear my boy sees ghosts all the time - he will be laying in the hall and then get up and go to the living room and start to play - i swear with someone but no one is there - he runs into another room, runs back, looks around - it's nuts - i always tell my b to tell them to go to the light! LOL!

  • I have had a couple of basenjis that howled occasionally in their sleep. That is really spooky, a long, low mournful howl, sitting up but asleep. I have never heard one scream while asleep. Our first screamer would do it to let you kow where he was, and that he wanted you to come to him. Sounds like what your boy did in the middle of the night! And it is nothing like a howl or yodel, it is a bloodcurdling scream!

    Anne in Tampa

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