Yes sighthounds often but not always test low. If their coat is bad, low energy and other signs of hypothyroid, a trial of meds won't hurt. But as with anything it varies, and you can't look at ONE thing. That's why having the results analyzed by someone who knows look at it. But the other 3 are normal range, and a low t4 has always been an issue with vets in the old days only testing for it, then medicating. Jean Dodds helped tremendously to push for full panels.
-TSH - <0,005 ............ Normal range: Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 0 - 0.58 ng/mL
fT4 - 5,35....................Free thyroxine (FT4) 9 - 39 pmol/L
fT3 - 2,2......................Free tri-iodothyronine (FT3) 1.2 â 8.2 pmol/L
Cortisol - 45,3.............Cortisol, pre 15 - 110 nmol/L