Crate Training Struggles
@zande - Can you put a eye bolt below the cabin hook that you could attach a snap locks on that would lock the gate to not be able to be released? Like on a crate when you have a "critter" that can open crate doors, we use snap locks to secure? but with this you can easily release.
@tanza Trouble is, it is only the gate from the kitchen to the rest of the house. I need to be able to get through it easily and possibly with my hands full.
The gate is actually saloon style half-doors which only swing one way and which are set close to the floor. So I can see over them but only one dog has ever cleared - by climbing the louvres to get to a bitch we had just taken in and who was, unbeknown to us, in season.
(The resulting singleton pup which we kept, was Top Brood Bitch in Breed in about 1989. So Deeds could certainly pick his wives well !)
The cabin hook Mku can undo, easily. When I put the chain on on the other side, he opens it wide enough to let Kito through but can't get through himself, not every time. But he does try. And often manages to get the chain off.
I am thinking of a bolt on the side of the chain, just below it. So that can be shot across if I am really desperate to keep him in the kitchen. I need for the doors not to swing even a bit open to let Kito through if I'm out. He'd scream and do damage in the stairwell and hallway.
Simon will be here again on Wednesday and he can think what to do.
I Hope !