Hyper reflexive Aggression and startle

  • @sandy-hovis - I still believe you need to talk to the breeder? Have you as of yet especially since this was beginning when you got him? This in my opinion is a problem that is either with the pedigree (not sound breeding) or raising the pups. Do you know at all how the pups were raised? And just seeing the comment about off leash... no Basenji unless in a safe place should ever be off lead... remember a Basenji is a hound and as a hound they do what they are bred to do... "chase".... As far as waking him... I might suggest that you yell loud to wake him... not touch... just yell instead of soft sounds. When he wakes call him to you for a treat... and praise...

  • Agree with Tanza. A dog like this should never be trusted off leash unless in a confined area with a good fence, and that means 6 feet tall and not chain link (the little buggers can climb!)

    I would not be touching him when he is sleeping or resting comfortably. You are not in that place yet, if you will ever be. As Tanza said, make noise to wake him up, then call him to you. Yes, I definitely think he would overreact if you touch him, particularly with an object (he would feel the difference).

    The other thing.....you want to be as "matter of fact" with him as possible. You also do not want to be hesitant with him. If you are going to do something, do it. Obviously not in an abrupt or aggressive way, but not in a way that tells him you are afraid of him. BTW, his running around crazily is a Basenji trait known as the B 500. Most of them do it, usually running madly, jumping on something like a couch or chair, banking off the back, and taking off again. They get quite wild doing this, and if he isn't causing any harm I would just stand back and let him blow off steam.

    Teach him to walk nicely on a leash, no pulling. Do not use a flex leash, just a normal 6 foot one, and be aware if it is leather or a chewable material, some Basenjis are bad for biting the leash in two when you aren't looking. To get him to walk nicely there are a couple of things you can do. If you get into clicker training you can teach him to target (put his nose on a target, typically a stick with a round end, but could be anything, including your hand) and have the target next to your side, so at "heel" position. When you want to allow more freedom, make sure to move forward only when he is not putting pressure on the leash. Pulling = no forward motion. Slack leash = we continue on our walk. He's smart. He will figure it out.

    You can find out a lot about clicker training here.

  • @tanza don’t know how they were raised, never got a chance to see the kennel, the breeder brought him from Miami On a trip N to Cape Coral, Fl
    The leash thing was on the trainer, we never let him off a leash, we learned the hard way that one time. We have a pool cage that is really a pool enclosure. There is decking completely around the pool and Thor has his own little race track. Very popular in Florida, reduces some UV light and deck is much cooler to walk on. At least a 10 degree difference covered. Comfortable for his foot pads.

  • @zande what is a sit block? New to the site.
    Sent you some info via email., let me know if you got it and I will send whatever information and follow up with questions regarding requested info.

  • should have been 'signature block', Sandy - no, nothing arrived yet but perhaps in the morning - sometimes emails take a while to swim the Great Pond - Thanks in advance !

    Good night !

  • @eeeefarm
    This guy can cut through a leash in a snap, we keep a basket of new ones on hand. Working with shorter leash.
    I must admit I am laughing when he does the ball juggle, he amazes me how much dexterity he has...
    I will, Ladies try to curb my enthusiasm....he can do it faster than I can roll the balls back, so I giggle. My bad.

    There is so much to learn about this dogs.....my head is turning. where were you guys two years ago.LOL

  • @eeeefarm said in Hyper reflexive Aggression and startle:

    that means 6 feet tall and not chain link (the little buggers can climb!)

    Actually, these little buggers as you so rightly style them, eeeefarm, will indeed scale a 6 foot chain link fence - but only if it is very tightly strung and they feel confident.

    I have kept my pack out of the vegetable garden with just three foot of very slack chain link. It became necessary to protect our crops from marauding Basenjis when a whole litter of puppies was to be seen eating Brussel Sprouts off the stalks as they grew, and a tri-girl was photographed chewing all of next year's fruiting growth from a cherished tayberry.

    Marvin erected 3 foot of slack c/l and put in 3 wooden gates to allow humans and machinery such as rotovators into the enclosed area. That was back in the 1980s but it still gives protection to this day (although some of the gate posts need replacing) and we have been able to harvest our veggies for our own use.

    The soft fruit cage is also contained - Basenjis love raspberries and other summer fruits and can pluck them from the vine only too easily up to B height.

  • I have passed some information to Sandy for a contact in FLA that has worked with Basenjis will issues. Hopefully they will connect before someone (including Thor) really gets hurt.

  • Thanks will follow up

  • @tanza amen , girl. You guys have been wonderful. So glad I bumped into you all.

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