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My Bs buddy Big cat.

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  • Water loving cats

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  • My big sister

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    I love seeing pics of Dogs together that realy get on
  • New buddy

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    @Kipawa: Sounds like you will be really busy later this summer/fall. I have seen pictures of the boats that people live on in the Netherlands - it looks like quite an interesting lifestyle. I assume your basenjis are fine with it. Good luck in finding your special cat. :) There are two types of living on a boat :) People that live on a boat that can't sail anymore. (they put it in a harbor and live there) We live on a ship (we can't call it a boat :cool: ) that sails every day. We load our ship with material (like corn or coils of steel) and sail untill we are at the place to unload. We load the same weight that 40/45 trucks can load ;) It's a weird lifestyle, every night we walk the doggies on a different spot and every day they meet new dogs and people.. And we are always at home with them.. that's a great thing!
  • Spoiled Cats

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    LOVE the pictures. Yes, we are animal lovers. Our cats are treated royally here. Other than one cat, which I have trained to sit and shake a paw for a treat, they do exactly as they please. Nothing is sacred in our house. The back cushions of our couches have permanent sags in them from continuously being pushed down by a warm, living bundle of fur. It's deadly to wear black in our house. I still haven't figured out how to strap little vacuums onto their paws.
  • Feral Cat Trapping

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    One of our most special cats (who is now over the Rainbow Bridge) was a black and white feral female we wound up having for 15 years. We had been feeding Miss Mew and her siblings for about a month. One day, we decided to catch all of them. Miss Mew was the first we caught. She had an eye infection (her eye was bulging) and I used the lack of her peripheral vision to grab her. The others were clever, but we eventually coaxed them into our condo with tuna. One of the four cats (the only male) was sickly. We took him to our vet, and after some testing, found out he had Feline Leukemia. Sadly, the best decision was to euthanize him. We were able to find homes for the other 2 girls, but we could just tell Miss Mew was special. About 4 years later, Miss Mew became a surrogate mom to my incredbly special cat Barney, who passed over the Rainbow Bridge last September 25, interestingly enough the same day as Kipawa was born! We now believe that Kipawa was heaven sent to us by Barney. The cosmos works in strange and wonderful ways. As the saying goes, "you get what you need". Any animal we have ever had has been what we have needed. And it all started with a feral cat named Miss Mew. Hugs to Miss Mew, who is now Barney's mom once again.
  • Cat to a good home

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