• So, what goes on at these events?

  • So I got the official confirmation from MABC prez…you don't need to be a member to attend the Fun Match & you don't need to have a pure bred Basenji to attend...you absolutely postively MUST have F-U-N and be willing to enjoy yourself...:D 😃

    At this fun match there will be "unofficial" showing for puppies, different color B's, veteran B's (7+ years), then there's a part competition (so Basenji Mixes can have loads of fun during these competitions) there's curliest tail, nices paws, nicest eyes, most interesting but swirl, most white, pointiest ears...etc. etc.

  • @jys1011:

    So I got the official confirmation from MABC prez…you don't need to be a member to attend the Fun Match & you don't need to have a pure bred Basenji to attend...you absolutely postively MUST have F-U-N and be willing to enjoy yourself...:D 😃

    At this fun match there will be "unofficial" showing for puppies, different color B's, veteran B's (7+ years), then there's a part competition (so Basenji Mixes can have loads of fun during these competitions) there's curliest tail, nices paws, nicest eyes, most interesting but swirl, most white, pointiest ears...etc. etc.

    I've never had a dog in a show ring:eek: , but for fun I plan on showing our Af boy Max:eek: :eek: , in the "eyes" and "wrinkles" competition.:D 😃

    Yes having fun is the only real goal for the day!

  • what time does it start?

  • It starts at 9 am.

  • Ozzie and Lacie will be there, my fiance and I are going as well as her mom who is bringing her two Itchy and Dubs. This is my first basenji fun day. I can't wait 🙂

  • Looks like we are not going to be able to make it, I am so bummed 😞

  • We had a great time, Ozzie won first in Best trick, but using his whole arsenal of tricks: sit, lay down, shake and jump 🙂 he also won first place in the musical sit game (I forget what they called it), he got 2nd place in curliest tail and I think it was 3rd in best neck. Lacie did well also, if I remember correctly she got First place in best bridle coat, 2nd or 3rd in best eyes and 2nd in best tail waggle. I'm just going from memory so forgive me if I mixed some up.

  • It looked like everyone was having fun, so IMO the match was a success!

    I had fun, Max got second place for wrinkles, Jasper got fourth for ears and best brindle in the Conformation.

    It was also my pleasure to meet Sweet Shelby. I wish I'd had known that was you Goldenfri.:eek:

    My Son took Jasper in the ring.:) The B/W is Willy's Brother Baxter, the Tri won the match.:)

  • I want to hear more you guys!!!! I am so bummed that we could not go but we are traveling so much this weekend that it would have been too tiring on us (tough decision). I am going to have to join MABC and hope that there is something else like this coming up again soon.

    How many B's were there?

  • Sweet Shelby won "Least white":D 😃 😃 She's a barootiful Basenji mix and a very sweet girl.:)

  • So, who was the Tri that won?

  • @tanza:

    So, who was the Tri that won?

    Not sure of his name Pat, I'll try to find out. He's a young boy, just a year old or so.

  • @tanza:

    So, who was the Tri that won?

    Pat, I am guessing that is Tammen's Take Me On OR Tammen's Tri and Top This. Both are from the litter AB SS Money to Burn x Ch Tammen's Whaz Up Pussycat. The litter was born last August.

    I happen to have my catalog from Cinci right here 🙂

  • So, BBoy…how was it going into the ring? Did you have FUN? And your son looks like a natural, sign him up 😉

  • @Quercus:

    So, BBoy…how was it going into the ring? Did you have FUN? And your son looks like a natural, sign him up 😉

    I enjoyed myself, it was all in good fun and I think all had a good time. I didn't have to do much with Max just take him in the ring and stand there…the wrinkles did the rest:D ....I could handle that.:D My Son had to do the whole conformation deal, we both agreed, it's not as easy as it looks.

    Boy's day at the match for us, all three of our males went and My Son and I did some ring work:D 😃 . It was a good experience and fun at the same time.🆒
    They had some nice prizes and some cool stuff was raffled off. They had a vine maker donate some vine with a Basenji on the label that seemed very popular.:rolleyes:

    I enjoy talking to the people, some have dedicated many, many years to the breed........... it's inspiring.:)

    I always come away with the same thought.

    Special dogs, special people.🆒

  • I have to "ditto" everything said…it was our first time at something like this & was so incredibly fun to see loads & loads of typical besenji "tude" 🆒 LOL LOL I loved it!! My husband wanted to observe this time (fear of making a fool of himself, I think) but next year he's totally game for entering the ring 😃 😃

    Andrea you're right the Tri that won was Tammen's what a BAROOOOTiful Tri he was. We are all BIG admirers..very very cute dog.

    And don't let BBoy fool you...him AND his son were naturals in the ring 🆒 🆒 two cool cats..umm I mean 'senjis LOL 😃 😃

  • Goldenfri I didn't know it was YOU :eek: :eek: I have pics of you & your little ones winning!! I was the one taking pics of the winners 😃 So glad you came..did you see Sweet Shelby??? What sweet & well behaved dogs :eek: & his curly tail was just too cute on such a large dog!

  • Thank-you from Shelby, Vince, my better half and myself. It was a awesome day. We had a great time at the fun match. Everyone was so friendly and the dogs were just gorgeous. Shelby had an unfair advantage in the least white contest but everyone was a good sport about it. it was also great meeting people from the forum. Jen, your furbabies are so cute and so feisty. B-Boy, I think Max may be almost as big as Shelby and she is half labrador! He's a big boy! Willie and Jasper were awesome and your son handles your dog's so well. You can tell the furbabies love him.

    I was so impressed by all the dogs there and the dedication everyone has for their dogs. It was so cool! Like you all say, special dogs, special people!:)

    I love this forum and I continue to learn so much from all of you. Thank-you again.

  • @SweetShelby:

    B-Boy, I think Max may be almost as big as Shelby and she is half labrador! He's a big boy!

    That was quite an adventure for Mr. Max.:D He doesn't get out all that much, so it was good for him…he was pretty nervous.

    He is a big boy and I had a lot of people ask me about him......it was fun.

    Maybe next year we'll bring the girls:eek: :eek: .:D

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