I'd just tell Exhibitor A to go ask Exhibitor B if they really wanted to know if ExB was going to the next show. That way Ex A can lie (or not) to Ex B and you're not in the middle of it. They can work out their own dynamics.
LOL! That is a good one! It sounds like a genetics chart! You are very right, if they want to lie/hide info to each other, that is up to them, but I'll keep myself out.
Hehehe, ok, so I saw you, but as you were with the folks on the other side of the show, I figured you were with them…we will sure get together next show site, I am sure.
Agreed. It isn't good form to be hovering at ring entrance with any dog, really…
True. I've been at many shows when another breed is 'hogging' the entrance and the people with the breed that is 'up' cannot get through without shoving someone aside to get to the ring opening.
LOL my bad, I never looked at when it was originally posted. I just clicked on "new posts" and assumed they would be active threads - now that I look at it, I realize that the SPAM message was what made it current! I"ll have to pay more attention!
glad to hear he's coming along well.