It's a slow process, be patient and consistent with her. We adopted Bolt 6 years ago, he's 12 y/o and 3/4 Africain. We don't know his history, but at some point he got into a dog fight. He has the scars to prove it. When we walk, there are certain dogs that will trigger a violent reaction from him. Over the years I've gotten very good at reading other people, and how they walk their dogs, plus reading their dog's body language. A high straight up tail tightly wagging will send him off the rails. I've worked extensively with him to the point that he is manageable when he sees other dogs. I usually make him sit, or give as wide a distance as I can allow. BUT, he is a biter, so I'm extremely cautious when I'm around other people. All bets are off if that other dog is not leashed!! It does get better, and yes you can teach an older dog new behaviors, I certainly did.
Advice on keeping dog in yard
We recently rescued a 2 1/2 year old boy. We are concerned about his ability to jump over a 3 to 4 ft fence. Any help about keeping him safe in the yard would be greatly appreciated.
What kind of fence do you have? Many Basenjis are great jumpers, some will use chain link as a ladder, and a few like to dig. Some won't bother trying to get out but I wouldn't count on it. Best solution is a 6 - 8 foot vertical board fence. If you have chain link you can attach something to the inside of the top, e.g. pvc pipe, which may deter the dog. If you don't have any option to change your fence, invisible fence backed up by the physical fence can work.
It's best not to leave the dog in the yard unsupervised in any case.....
Depends on the dogs. We have 2 athletic B's but they wouldn't dream of jumping our 3 ft. fence. They just don't. And they don't want to be in the garden if we're not with them. Silly beasts.