Alex, my daughter just got a Samoyed puppy. We are not allowing him loose with Cara yet, but she does crazy play with him in his crate and he literally rocks it side to side playing back. Your guys made me laugh. I love the wilds. (Unfortunately Cara wants to play around 1 am!)
HAHA I have a different situation, my husband usually HOGS the bed and steals all my space and tries to share my pillow with me! I love it when my basenji sleeps in bed with us, because my husband stays in his spot! Is that silly?
My Mr Eko will be 10 weeks tomorrow. He is a very good puppy too, as he sleeps in his own bed in our bedroom, and has never attepmted to get onto the bed (yet).
ALthough we would love to have him in bed, we have decided to keep it as it is (as long as it lasts, i should say instead).
He is also very quiet when crated (although i still have to get over my own distress for restricting him while we are at work).
But he does love to chew!!!
Thanks for the kind words, Jill! Natalie had a fun birthday, she's a trooper! She has a great sense of humor, so like you said "it's a birthday she'll never forget"! All is less smelly today, thank goodness!