I think that many adopters would pay for the cost. And add to that if it is a situation that a person has contacted BRAT to give up the dog and he/she is not tested then they should be required to put up that fee.
I think that BRAT does an excellent job in most respects, however this is one point that I really disagree with not testing. I am not sure that they would agree to test even if people covered the cost
I think I might have to start my hunt from scratch. There is a good possibility I will move to Jamaica in the future so I called the customs office yesterday about dog policies. Since there hasn't been rabies on the island in 200 years they are REALLY strict. they only let dogs in from the UK and Ireland. Im soo mad :mad: . . . but I'm glad I found out now. Sooooo does anyone know any UK sources / breeders? ::SIGH:: I want to be an owner so bad