I realize I am coming to this chat very late but I want to give you some hope. I have 6 chickens and though my 3 year old Piper will chase down and kill a bunny or squirrel and eat it ....she has demonstrated time after time that she understands the chickens are off limits. Infact I will go further to say that she acts as their protector. If one flies over the daytime fence she lets me know, if one is making any unusual noise she comes to get me. It has become quite comical how motherly she acts to them. 4 of them she was introduced to just a few months ago as I brought home baby chicks.....so they were small enough for her to attack for many months. I just kept telling her they are special and I would even let her sniff them while holding her collar. She knows the difference between prey and protect. I would love to get a few goats but I am not certain if that would work. I am still thinking about that.
Need help with socializing with other dogs
My friend has 2 Besenjis and is going on an extended trip. I brought my female boxer over to begin the socializing process.
We took them for a long walk on leashes my boxer stood patiently while the besenjis smelled her. after an hour of walking we went back to her house all seemed fine,for a while….her 2 snapped aggressivly a few times and had to be pulled away. then calm for about 20 min and i could see the wheels turning again.1 approched her from the front and the other from the rear. i nipped that in the bud quickly. Any suggestions on getting them to accepy other dogs into their pack. i have 2 boxers that are very accepting of other dogs and very patient with smaller breeds. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT.