• I mentioned recently that our newest B, Mr Baroo's Buddy, weighed in at just over 19 pounds at his initial vet visit. He had to go in for his 6 month check up and boosters last week and although he does look bigger he is not by any means over weight. You can still see his ribcage and has a beautiful lean look, however his weigh in this time showed him at 26.8 pounds. His new nickname is Horseasaurus.

  • My boy's like that - beautiful and slim, but try and pick him up? I like Horseasaurus - I call Butu my Concrete Dog….

  • I call Tucker a Tank. I had him weighed at the National and he was around 27lbs. He is solid muscle. Horseasaurus is an awesome nickname!

  • So true, I was aware that he was looking bigger but it really didn't register just how much until the vet tech announced that he had gained over 7 pounds since his last weigh-in.

  • Yep feel the back go if I go to grab Kaiser, have to remember to lift knees bent and back straight, already once lifting him into the bath after the dog park and lifted wrong and back went and out of action for a while. He's lost some weight while we have been working on his allergy flare up, but can't see him looking good losing anymore, he's just a big boy but would be nice to pick him up and cuddle more often. He does this weird situp/lean back position in my arms when I pick him up, does anyone else's basenji do that?

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Buddy isn't a lap lover, he does like to lean against my leg and rest his head on my lap. Mr Baroo does like to lay across your lap with his head on your elbow, and Bitty loves to stand on your lap with her front legs around your neck and snort in your ear.

  • First Basenji's

    oh too much! but never enough of that Basenji type of love!!!

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