• I'm getting my first basenji puppy in a few months and I'm trying to think of a name for him. It's down to three names now. Since basenjis come from Congo, and the capital of Congo is Brazzaville, one of the names is Braz. The others, Kongo and Dio are just common African surnames. I think I like Braz 🙂 What do you think?

  • With our pup we did it like this:
    her registered name is Honey Money's Elinor. (Elinor is Arab for light of God).
    The European version of Elinor is Eleonora.
    Lela is a Spanish abbreviation for Eleonora.
    So Lela it was.

  • Who are you getting your pup from? Many breeders have themes and also require their kennl name used. I liked all three for call names… Most of mine have call names that are not part of their registered names

  • Yes I was going to suggest waiting on the registered name until you know the litter theme (if there is one). My first dog was from an "M" litter and my current dog is from an "SS" litter. I got to choose the first dog's reg name but the breeder had a list of names he liked for Elliot and we debated back and forward until we had one we both liked. From my experience, most breeders don't care what you choose for the call name though.

    Congo/Kongo seem like popular basenji names. I like Braz! It's unique and fun.. just like a basenji!

  • I am getting my puppy from Sundiata Basenjis. I'm not sure if they have litter themes. I don't care if the call name has anything to do with the registered name.

  • Call names often evolve, depending on the personality of the dog. You may start off with one idea for a name, but then the dog offers behaviour that just naturally leads to another, more appropriate, name. I find I end up with several "pet" names, although I stick to one for serious business!

  • Honestly, the spelling Braz reminds me of a woman's bra….........but I'm one to talk (most people pronounce Beo as........B.O.).

    You sound like you enjoy the name, so go for it! If you don't like it, you can always change it later.....dogs could care less about the name part, so whatever you find enjoyable at any given time.

  • @MyBarklessDog:

    I am getting my puppy from Sundiata Basenjis. I'm not sure if they pick reg. names and have litter themes. I'll have to find out if I can choose the reg. name.

    When I have a litter, new owners get to pick the call name, I will give suggestions for the registered name or what needs to be in the name, for example C-Me's litter all the names had to have "Tri" in them (along with my kennel name)…. I do get the final OK on the registered name.

    And I like Braz

  • I like Braz, short and unique, haven't heard it before. When we were looking for a name I also wanted something African but we all agreed on Kaiser, so your name has that going for it as well.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • I still don't have a name! He comes home with me next Sunday. I just got back from visiting the puppies at the breeder's house but no names have come to me.

  • With call names the pup often names himself once you have him. Registered names are a bit more tricky.

  • Ha! My husband and I just went through this. We had a short-list we thought were definite candidates, but nothing seemed to stick. It took about a week for "Scout" to come along, and "Scout" she is =). Of all the names we bounced around, I loved Dash, Rizzo, Blitz, and Radar for a male.

  • First Basenji's


    Call names often evolve, depending on the personality of the dog. You may start off with one idea for a name, but then the dog offers behaviour that just naturally leads to another, more appropriate, name. I find I end up with several "pet" names, although I stick to one for serious business!

    Ditto on that thought!

  • First Basenji's

    You will figure it out, the personality will tell you. It may just be me, but I like two syllable names, just input here for thought….:)

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