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I have a great old film with 'Our Lady of the Congo'…

Basenji Talk
  • Dear DebraDownSouth,

    One of my University degrees is in Law. I have the 64 page Supreme Court Decision regarding Copyrights of all types. It may interest you to know that 1: I bought this film years ago. 2: Fair Use still applies for the purposes of Critique, Education, et. al. I offered to share the film to others on this forum as it is very interesting to see that particular dog and how she reacted to her handlers.

    What I do not understand is why you, DebraDownSouth, are always so unfriendly to me. You have stated that because my almost 16 year old female Basenji whom I loved beyond imagination was not properly cared for. That is false and because she did all the damage you referred to in an earlier post by me you failed to read that this damage took place during the FIRST WEEK I had her in my home. ALL of that was addressed and she was never in danger of any kind.

    She lived a long and healthy and happy life and I still miss her every day. She was in her crate when we went to the Vet as were all the dogs I gave safe harbor to if they were not able to walk the 6 blocks to the Vet. She was not in her crate in the house as I saw no need for it. She detested the crate and it upset her and I think that is cruel to force them to go where they clearly don't want to be. She went when in the car and that was enough for both her and me. Her Vet was not a local Vet so we had to drive to get her there.

    Again, if there are people that don't want to wait to view the film, they can let me know. I am NOT violating any Copyright laws at all. That decision is very clear and there are dozens of films that are in the Public Domain including films with James Stewart, Spencer Tracy, David Niven, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and I could go on.

    Good night.

  • I will be happy to share it if there are enough people who are interested. I am not violating any Copyright Laws and it would be available for a few days as it is a huge file and it would take up too much space to keep it on my website server. :)

    BTW thanks so much for the .PDF file regarding this film! :)


  • I know a university professor who was charged and convicted using the same excuses. And his was with legit STUDENTS. They said he could show the film, he could NOT give illegal copies. But that was about 20 yrs ago, laws change. The Supreme Court has many copyright reviews, and it is discussed by experts, so do you really think what you have or don't have matters. But I can assure you that since this is NOT an educational venue, that such a back-peddled explanation wouldn't hold water, it doesn't really matter. Bottom line, you don't own the rights and offered to share. If that doesn't bother you, oh well. I

    Btw, I don't know any basenji owners who haven't seen or even bought the movie.

    But here is the thing… life in general will be easier for you if you stop taking any disagreement to such extremes. I simply state the dangers and my views on crates. Instead of "I disagree" and move on, you have turned it into a soap opera with many hundreds of words about your expertise, ties, now law degree, whatever. That really is on you. No need. The topic is crate training. Nothing you say will convince me not trying to teach nonstressful crate training is good. I have no control over you so why you cannot just take that as my opinion and move on, I don't know.

    So let me try to stem more long tirades.
    I don't care about your experiences, degrees, who you hang out with, anything. With the discussion of ideas, try to stick to the ideas. This is the internet, no one cares enough to check out your claims and they don't matter. It is a glorious thing that facts/ideas/discussions hinge on the TOPIC, not the person. Please try it.

    You want to debate crate training and why NOT crate training is better, go ahead. Stay on topic. Stop making it more than it is. Or... say you don't care about my view and move on. No need for all this drama. Really. Or simply put me on ignore so you don't see my posts. :)

  • Have a nice day.


  • Since it is not up to us to determine what is illegal or not; It is up to us to report on things we feel may be illegal, I have forwarded this information to the legal department of Warner Brothers. Let them determine whether they choose to protect their interests.

    Also, as a note on preventing cyber crime: Never download a file from an unknown source, regardless of what they are offering.

  • I have neither posted nor announced that I have made the film available to anyone. You need not explain the Law to me as I understand Copyright Law extremely well.

    I Find that this particular forum is populated by the most unfriendly Basenji owners on the Planet. Guess what; with all that is transpiring in Africa at this point in time, we had better stop LINE Breeding or they will all end up exactly like the American Thoroughbred Horse. I rescue these horses, rehabilitate, retrain them in Dressage, and then find them a suitable home. Do we want dogs that are rather like this breed of horse? They are failing and being slaughtered for dinner in Europe and Japan. They are not healthy and have lost certain genetic properties that made them able to complete the so called 'Triple Crown'.

    Whomever changed the Female's breeding cycle from one heat to two is messing around with nature and is weakening the breed. Just think about that.

    I have not violated any Laws as Warner Brothers will find.

    Have a good day and give your conscience a close examination and re-read all the nasty posts that DebDownSouth has posted. We disagree and my dog lived a very long and healthy life. If I didn't keep her in the crate while in the house then who should care about that? That is my business and she was in her crate always when we went in the car. That is where it counts,


  • I find your comment interesting, you wrote "Whomever changed the Female's breeding cycle from one heat to two is messing around with nature and is weakening the breed. Just think about that"

    What makes you think that anyone has for that matter can change a bitches breeding cycle? 80% of all Basenjis will only have one season a year. Yes, there are a few lines that "didn't" read the book and have two seasons, but they are for sure not the majority.

    The exception to that is that a bitch will have what we call a "puppy season" meaning they have a season after whelp when the pups are 4 to 6 months. And in 90% of the cases, they are not viable seasons, when bred most do not conceive. They will usually have a regular season in the Fall but they revert back to once a year after that.

    In fact, one of the most interesting things about Basenjis is that other than breeding season (in our hemisphere that would be the late summer/early fall), males are many times sterile. There have been many a breeder that has tried to collect a Basenji for future use (frozen) and not only do have not have any sperm count or very little, they are not even interested.

  • Antigone - Please don't base this forum on a few members you have clashed with, this forum has a lot of information for Basenji owners and a lot of knowledge in the members who contribute when someone needs help.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Good Morning Pat,

    I read on this and other forums and groups that some breeders are changing the Bitch's cycle so they can get 2 litters per year instead of one. If memory serves this is happening in PA with the Amish whom treat all animals as if they are machines. Every Monday at the New Holland Livestock Auction you will find aged Horses and Mules owned by the Amish who rather than euthanize them they sell them to Slaughter to eek out every possible penny. I have rescued 2 horses from that particular Auction.

    I know that it has been problematic with these Breeders breeding 2x per year and it is very sad. Regarding Semen collection to preserve the breed, I am all for that due to the fact that the Continent of Africa is an extremely dangerous place I worry that the Basenjis will be killed to gain control over the people who have them. The breed will become truly endangered if the African dogs are slaughtered.

    My dog was born in December 23, 1998 and she was a gorgeous Tri and since the breeder was a friend, I was able to choose my puppy whom I met when she was 3 days old. I left her with the Breeder for 12 weeks as I wanted her to get the full benefit of being with her Mama and her siblings. My dog was the Alpha puppy and she tried to be the Alpha at home but her cat who taught her how to go up and down the stairs and get on the bed was the true Alpha in the house. I was but he ignored that; he was a very good boy who lived to the age of 18. The dog adored him and she looked for him for weeks when he passed of a stroke.

    Having said all of that, I want to thank you for the information. I don't care for Line Breeding as it weakens the genetic properties that are important to the animal's hardiness. We have not have a Triple Crown winner since 1978. There are TWO Thorougbred lines left and we here in the US breed irresponsibly. I have rescued horses that are great granddaughters of Secretariat and Mr. Prospector and both were a mess when I brought them from the Auction. Secretariat was a 'Freak of Nature' and his offspring did not inherit his talent, just his size. It is sad what we do to animals. The Secretariat granddaughter will be with me for her entire life as she has gastric ulcers from being tubed every day when at the track. She is unable to gain enough weight to be suitable for riding. She weighs 950lbs and she should weigh 1250. I have spent a lot of money on specialists to help this mare gain weight and keep it on. She is beautiful and sweet but skinny.

    I would like to find a breeder that breeds in the fall for a December puppy. Right now I do not have any pets in my house. I am waiting to get another Basenji puppy. I raised my dog so she was sweet with people and animals although she never got used to liking all Canines unless they were HUGE dogs like Irish Wolfhounds, Malamutes, Bull Mastiffs. She preferred to play with them as they somehow reminded her of the Wolves she lived with. The Wolves are legal where I reside, and they were neutered males that had been the 'Omega' of the Pack. Omegas are 'picked on' by the rest of the Pack so my wolves waited to eat and were basically afraid of everything.

    Thank you again for all of the information and continued success with your Basenjis. You have a Tri that is a dead ringer for my little dog. She is beautiful. BTW, my dog WAS crate trained but I did not keep her in the crate while in the house. We used the crate in the car only. She got used to it and fell asleep.



  • Good Morning Jolanda!

    It is just frustrating to be treated in such an unfriendly manner. As if I would do anything that is illegal is complete folly. Indeed there is great info here but as we live with our Basenjis we learn new things about them. For instance, my dog did not Yodel until she was 14. She always 'Rooed' which I loved and the Yodel was hilarious. She really was a little clown and she would stomp her little front feet if she was waiting too long for something such as her dinner, a treat, or her walk. That was so funny I always reacted as she was correct! I missed the time and she knew it. :)

    These are such enchanting little dogs and I am completely devoted to the Breed and seeing it continue in a genetically viable manner. I don't know if you know anything about horses, but horses are problematic in the US. Backyard breeders breed too many and when they cannot sell them they send them to kill. The Thoroughbred is Line Bred and there are only 2 bloodlines left. That is a huge problem as these horses are not hardy, they break down at the track, they snap legs at the track, in short, not one of them is fit to be a racehorse of any kind.

    This breed needs to be conserved but it takes a lot of money and we would have to breed our hardiest mare with an Egyptian Arabian stud and go from there. The foundation horses for the Thoroughbred were 2 Arabians and a Turk (now extinct). I do not think we could ever conserve the Basenji or the Ridgebacks in this manner. I am wondering if the dogs we have tried to collect Semen from are strictly American dogs. Have we tried with dogs in other parts of the world?

    I just worry as I love all animals and do my best with the horses to rescue and rehab them, and retrain them to find suitable homes from them. I do not sell them at first, I wait about a year to see how things work out. I get calls for Dogs and Wolves but not any lately. I am still terribly sad over losing my little girl whom can never be replaced. I adored that dog beyond imagination.

    Thanks so much for responding Jolanda and have a great day with your Kaiser. I have to get back to work!



  • @Antigone:

    I have neither posted nor announced that I have made the film available to anyone. You need not explain the Law to me as I understand Copyright Law extremely well.


    Um, you do know your post is still here, right.. the one where you absolutely said you posted you would make it available

    Good-bye, My Lady (1956)

    An old man and a young boy who live in the southeastern Mississippi swamps are brought together by the love of a dog.

    William A. Wellman
    Albert Sidney Fleischman (screenplay), James H. Street (novel)
    Walter Brennan, Phil Harris, Brandon De Wilde

    This Basenji was one of the first to be imported into the US. This is a true story of how she got lost, found in a Swamp, caught by a young boy and trained to hunt. She yodels in a strange way, she sounds as if she is laughing.

    The training methods he used will make you cringe, but this is a great film to see. Brandon De Wilde died at a young age in an auto accident.

    I can put it on one of my servers and you can download it and watch it on your computer or burn it to a DVD if you have the software for that. If there is interest I will put it on my server and provide the link for downloads.<<

  • You weren't treated unfriendly.. you attacked me for my on-topic discussion of crate training. Anyone reading my posts will know they were not nasty and not even cranky til you tried to make it all personal. I started to post them all but geesh, who the heck cares. Your melodrama is easy to spot without me posting it all. And pretty laughable for you to accuse me of being unfriendly when all I did was not agree until YOU GOT NASTY. Have a good day.

  • What Puppymillers do should not be confused with what responsible breeders do… so when statements such as "changed the Female's breeding cycle from one heat to two" and is not qualified on who is being referred to.... it makes it seem like this is normal practice.

    Thank goodness for our breed (and other breeds that do not come normally into season 2x's a year) that by breeding on the "bitches puppy season" in order to get more than one litter a year, as I noted typically is a hit and miss, usually a miss... so many puppymillers get out of Basenjis since they are not profitable.

    Not sure what you mean by finding a breeder that "breeds in the Fall for December puppies"?.... makes no sense, breeders breed when the bitches come in season, could be anytime from August to November on average, so we can not just breed for puppies in a particular month.

    AND depending on when the Basenji National is, this can change a bitches season... when you have 200 basenji bitches in the same place, all you need is one to be in season for whatever reason and they will all start to come in season. The year that the National was in June in 1990 on the West Coast, the following year bitches started coming in season in June... puppies were born August and September. My own Maggii was 8/27/91 and my boy, OJ was 9/9/91. However both their mothers went back to having Fall seasons the following year. In some cases you CAN'T fight Mother Nature.

    So I do not believe that this is an issue that will change the breed.

  • I already have a physical copy, but I'd be extremely interested in an electronic copy. Not sure if that offer is still on the table? If it is just send me a private message….. I wouldn't blame you for backing out though.

    ......I certainly have no loyalty to a company that is in the 1% group......making billions of dollars off the backs of poor Americas - who are barely able to make it day by day. I do like this basenji community, but sometimes the elitism is palpable. Not everyone has unlimited money at their disposal .....NO one should have to miss out on a silly little film because they can't afford it.

  • I would like to download it if possible.

  • I agree no one should have to miss out on food, medical care, education. But sorry, I am glad I raised my daughter to understand that stealing and justifying it with stuff like "the 1 percent" is simply rationalization and still theft.

  • Their morals are coming out of their own pockets; while they're spending thousands on textbooks, music, and movies…....the rest of us are only paying the cost of internet. Morals are luxury they can afford, so good for them. I'll give my money to those who need it....and won't lose one damn minute of sleep. In fact, I'll sleep better knowing that it's not going to the very people who utilize tax loops to dupe the Amercian people.

    This whole 'copy right' BS (which has hurt many reputable professors) is purely a United States issue. We've turned into a bunch of whiney cry babies. Go to South America. They could give two ****s about copy right laws. Our textbooks were much more affordable when they copied one textbook and sold them to students for 10 bucks a piece. China? You bet they infringe.

    BTW very fruitless to report the OP. It's a known fact that the FBI has just about given up on charging single individuals for illegal downloads; unless they are wanted for something else. Billions of people world wide are in on the game - bootleg physical copies as well as illegal downloads. At this point, they are going after the distributors......but as Pirate Bay has shown us, that's not working out well for them either. There are copies; often in more than one country. If a site is busted, a clone is back up the next day.

    Silk Road (the underground drug distributing website) was back up and running the week after it was busted.

    Don't like it? That's tough. It's happening with or without your permission.

    Honestly, I would love to support the OP (and her copy is probably clean)......but you could find this film fairly easily for illegal download.

    I feel sorry for kids raised in environments where they're not encouraged to think for themselves; only to toe the line. I've seen a lot of them get eaten alive by scammers. They are such easy targets for MLM schemes like Kirby vacuum, Mary Kay, or primerica insurance.......if not financial scams. Those are the people falling for Nigerian scams. They just don't understand how to bend the rules in their favor, or how to be independent. They need to be sheltered for the rest of their lives or they will be taken advantage of at some point.

  • Wow and I feel sorry for kids raised by parents with a sense of entitlement to take whatever they want and try to justify it. Stealing is stealing. Sorry, kids raised with morals, with an understanding that not liking a law should result in trying to change it, not break it, that no matter how you try to pretend when you steal you are a thief, that just because morally bankrupt people do things doesn't make it right are not raised up to "toe the line" or "not think for themselves" or "easy targets." You obviously think having morals is the same thing as stupidity. It isn't. You seem to think having morals is being a patsy, it isn't. You seem to think that breaking laws because you can get away with it or have little chance of being prosecuted is smart, but it isn't – it is just unlawful and often immoral. You can teach morals and also thinking for oneself. What utter stupidity to equate learning values, morality, right behavior, kindness, ethics.. whatever.... is bad. I feel sorry for the kids who are raised without someone to guide them on what is right or wrong. They are simply thugs, taking whatever they want and feeling the world owes them. No matter how rich or bad a company is, you don't have to deal with them or buy from them, but stealing is for scum. And with that.. putting you on ignore.

  • Debra,

    I said I could put it on one of my servers but I did not. Thanks.

  • It's interesting that this has gotten so heated. The digital age has somewhat muddied the waters. Once upon a time you could buy a book or a DVD and when you were finished using it you could pass it on to your friends so that they could enjoy it (you still can!), and that isn't considered stealing. Make a copy for them to view, with the same exact result (they get to see the movie or read the book), and suddenly it is illegal. The law was drafted to prevent people from making numerous copies and selling them for profit, a clear infringement to copyright. For a person to make a copy for a friend to view rather than snail mailing the original seems to be in a "shades of grey" area. I'd be surprised if most on this forum haven't at some point downloaded something for personal use that would infringe copyright if the letter of the law was applied.

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