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2007 National Specialty - Basenji Club of America

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • I am looking forward to it too :) It is way WAY fun, and this one should be awesome!

    Everyone at Tim's workplace calls it our annual "basenjifest"

  • I'm still hoping to go-I'll know shortly if I can. I had planned on going, but life has a way of getting in the way. I absolutely love these 'Basenjifest's.'

  • Arlene…did you go to the BCOC specialty?

  • Oh, yes. Sally Wourno's little bitch is absolutely wonderful. I'm hoping (keeping my fingers crossed that all Sugar's tests come back acceptable) to breed Sugar with her dog 'Ron.' Wanda was there also with Blade. Chris and Allie Cowe were there. Sue's little boy Jammers took reserve to Blade.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Oh, yes. Sally Wourno's little bitch is absolutely wonderful. I'm hoping (keeping my fingers crossed that all Sugar's tests come back acceptable) to breed Sugar with her dog 'Ron.' Wanda was there also with Blade. Chris and Allie Cowe were there. Sue's little boy Jammers took reserve to Blade.

    Sounds like fun! I like Ron too…and Blade :)


    This weekend marks the begining of the 2007 BCOA National Specialty in California, hosted by the Basenji Club of Northern California.

    I know this yearly event is the Mecca for Basenji breeders and certainly our resident forum Basenji Breeders. I wish all attending this years event an enjoyable week and hope all have fun!:)

    I want to get my soapbox out here and thank those very breeders that come to this forum everyday to lend thier knowledge and experience, your contributions can't be understated. Thank You all!

    I know many have put time and effort into making this years Specialty a success, but a special thanks to our fellow foumite Pat (Tanza)…....good luck Pat, I know you've put in a lot of time and effort to make it happen.;)

    For those of you in that area, it's the ultimate Basenjifest, try to get there if you can.:cool:
    For those of you that are going to the Senjifest.........lot's of pictures please!:D :D :D For those of us that can't make it.:D

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    This weekend marks the begining of the 2007 BCOA National Specialty in California, hosted by the Basenji Club of Northern California.

    I know this yearly event is the Mecca for Basenji breeders and certainly our resident forum Basenji Breeders. I wish all attending this years event an enjoyable week and hope all have fun!:)

    I want to get my soapbox out here and thank those very breeders that come to this forum everyday to lend thier knowledge and experience, your contributions can't be understated. Thank You all!

    I know many have put time and effort into making this years Specialty a success, but a special thanks to our fellow foumite Pat (Tanza)…....good luck Pat, I know you've put in a lot of time and effort to make it happen.;)

    For those of you in that area, it's the ultimate Basenjifest, try to get there if you can.:cool:
    For those of you that are going to the Senjifest.........lot's of pictures please!:D :D :D For those of us that can't make it.:D

    Thanks for the plug for the National BBoy! I will be leaving arriving in NoCal on Tuesday. I plan to bring a laptop, so I can send 'reporter on the scene' notes each day…Pat and Lisa *may be a little too busy :)

  • I'll be sending updates as much as I can from Nationals. Im wired…Laptop, PDA, Digital Camera. Ha! Gotta love technology.
    Unfortunately I started a trial this past week and now my schedule is hectic. Argh!
    Chance goes in the ring the beginning of the week so I'll keep ya posted.

  • Cool! I'll get to meet Vanessa! Is Chance entered?

  • @Quercus:

    I plan to bring a laptop, so I can send 'reporter on the scene' notes each day…Pat and Lisa *may be a little too busy :)


    I'll be sending updates as much as I can from Nationals. Im wired…Laptop, PDA, Digital Camera. Ha! Gotta love technology.
    Unfortunately I started a trial this past week and now my schedule is hectic. Argh!
    Chance goes in the ring the beginning of the week so I'll keep ya posted.

    Looks like you Ladies have it all covered.:D Group pictures are always nice….hint hint.:D

    Wish I could be there:( .

    Have a great time all of you and good luck in the ring.

    Go Chance!!!!!:D :cool: ;)

  • @Quercus:

    Pat and Lisa *may be a little too busy :)

    I'm sure there's so much to do…....but:D

    Try to enjoy the festivities as well Ladies.;)

  • It is one of the american basenji event I would love to come to one day, I heard it is great :)

  • @seko:

    It is one of the american basenji event I would love to come to one day, I heard it is great :)

    When you do come to see it, could you stop by Poland and pick up my friend.:D :D :D

    I've only seen it on a DVD…...they tell me it's awesome.

  • Of course it is pouring rain today… and we (at least not in the 25 yrs I have lived in California) had rain this early in the month of October... never till maybe the end of the month.... sigh....

    Of course we had a bunch of people "complain" that we were showing indoors... hmmm think if it rains on Tuesday as they say it will, they will be singing a different tune....

    And I would think that Chance will be in Tuesday (sweeps) and Wednesday (dog classes)....

  • And hey Basenji Boy… thanks for the plug.... while lots of works, it will be fun... (we keen telling ourselves that)

  • @Quercus:

    Cool! I'll get to meet Vanessa! Is Chance entered?

    I look forward to meeting you too!

    I've entered the little devil. Unfortunately I won't be there to watch him in action. I work for law firm and with trial during Nationals I will be missing my pup in action :( My handler will be giving me updates though. I will be there Sat and Sunday to show my support and if this case settles (god willing) I'll be there as much as I can during the week.

    I really hope this rain stops. Its pouring down here in the south bay! :mad:

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Looks like you Ladies have it all covered.:D Group pictures are always nice….hint hint.:D

    Wish I could be there:( .

    Have a great time all of you and good luck in the ring.

    Go Chance!!!!!:D :cool: ;)

    C'mon B-Boy. I've been trying to get you to come to Ca for months!
    You could still make it!!!!
    C'mon.. you could stay at our house!
    Warm house, good meal, Basenji eating your socks…Bliss! :D
    We'll miss ya...But I do believe Texas is in order. See you next year :p

  • Good luck to all - I had planned on flying out late Wednesday and home on Sat night but my mom is not doing very well at the moment (91) and to compound her issues - he little old pomeranian that was living with my sister - died this week.

    Enjoy and if you get a chance to drive out to Yosemite - do it.

  • @dmcarty:

    Good luck to all - I had planned on flying out late Wednesday and home on Sat night but my mom is not doing very well at the moment (91) and to compound her issues - he little old pomeranian that was living with my sister - died this week.

    Enjoy and if you get a chance to drive out to Yosemite - do it.

    Sorry your not coming was looking forward to "shoot the shit" with you :D

    Oh and for anyone that is interested, we have already had to move the Af Stock Exb since the place it was to be held is now flooded… sigh.... and the fun begins.... and just think we had so many people complain that we have all the conformation (with the exception of the ASE) indoor... remarking that "it is so nice this time of year in California".... NOT.... :mad:

  • @Vanessa626:

    C'mon B-Boy. I've been trying to get you to come to Ca for months!
    You could still make it!!!!
    C'mon.. you could stay at our house!
    Warm house, good meal, Basenji eating your socks…Bliss! :D
    We'll miss ya...But I do believe Texas is in order. See you next year :p

    I love that part of California too.:(

    Could you imagine Willy, Jasper and Chance loose in your house?:eek: You'd be lucky to get away with just the socks.:D

    Texas it is!:cool:

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