Awwww what a wicked Mum. Your guilt levels must be through the roof. I bet you didn't tell her what you where up to before you left the car.
I always tell George that I won't be long, or I'll be back soon or even wait there I'll be back. I often forget something and leave George in the car and nip back indoors. His eyes never leave the spot where I disappeared.
My Granddoggy's Front Leg Went Out of Place
My Grandoggy, Jasper's, front leg went out of place when he jumped down from the couch. He limped for a few seconds and then was O.K. He didn't act like the leg was hurting him when I palpated the leg and joint. The affected joint seemed to be the shoulder of the left leg–closest to the body. He is 5 years old. What could this be?