I feel like even if this was adopted as policy (and that's institutional policy, not law), it wouldn't change the way that vets are already reluctant to give helpful information to their clients about raw feeding, at least in my experience. My current vet is neither supportive nor disapproving, but when I told them I fed raw, they just made sure to give me a schpiel on proper handling of raw meat… which I don't think would change given the terms of this policy.
Then again, why single out raw? They need to be telling me to wash my hands after handling kibble too, as recommended due to the recent Diamond pet food recalls.
And maybe the butcher should be giving me a schpiel on how to properly handle raw meat every time he hands me a packet of meat over the deli counter??
Anyway, here's the AVMA's response that attempts to clarify what they're doing:
If nothing else, I'm happy to see the large response from raw feeding advocates directed at the AVMA. Skimming over the comments, the feedback is overwhelmingly in favor of raw feeding. Perhaps this alerts the AVMA that they've been at odds with how pet owners feed their pets for quite some time now?