Some years back, during our Shiba Inu and Jindo period our Jindo developed a terrible rash and wht with her licking turned into huge hot spots, loss of hair and everything. Our vet narrowed it down to a grain alergy, suggested we go to an avocado based food, AvoDerm. Within 2 weeks she stopped itching and chewing, and 6 months later all her hair was grown out. As time went by she developed a beautiful luxurious coat, never had another problem with alergies or skin problems. We realize that B's dont have the long double coats like Shibas or Jindos, but our philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it, so we have just continued feeding AvoDerm to our B's as we accumulated our pack. The main problem with it is, if we feed them as reccomended they gain weight, so we really have to watch their diet.
Hello every one
Hi my name is Lourdes, from Panama (Central America) congratulations your page are amazing and very useful because here in my country basenjis are a very unknown breed, I have 3 B's Khufu (tri) the baby and the boss, his brother Kimba and my oldie girl Anubis (13).
Here are some pics to introduce them:/Users/lourdeszeitoun/Desktop/Kimba and Khufu.jpg
/Users/lourdeszeitoun/Desktop/oldie Anubis.jpg
I have a fb page, in spanish but with nice pics, and promise in english soon
Barooosss from Panama
Lourdes -
Welcome to the forums! Hope you can find some valuable information on this site. I know I have! Unfortunately you pictures never showed up but we would love to see pictures of your babies!
Welcome, we always enjoy having new members from different areas of the world.
Welcome to the forum
Remove the ? from the facebook URL address to get to the page. Cute pics!
Bienvenida Lourdes… Bellos tus perros!!!
Welcome to the Forum to you, Anubis, Khufu and Kimba.