My goodness all that interest in water. Chief is not as bad as zoey (she wont even walk on the dewy grass in the morning the only thing she will get wet is her tongue) He has even stood in a little water without freaking out.
Hope is going great. Ive taught her to sit and come :)
She got microchipped yesterday so she got to see her two sisters, she done very well and i was quiet suprised - she rather play with the maltese ****zu lol
the other half finally got his boat - so we've been letting her play in it. (attached some photos) LOL
OH and i have dubbed her our little Mogwai. - she can be a little gremlin when she wants to be but we wouldnt have her any other way :)
Also added some pics of them fast asleep together hahaha. aww. :)
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By the way….the new puppy is coming soon and his name will be Marley (another red and white).
How exciting! Congrats on the good news :)
And don't forget to post pics!
They are absolutely beautiful. I love the "saddle" marking. I think they are perfect!
I love the Africans, they're different to be sure. They certainly aren't for everyone, very independent.