Buddy is not an under cover dog he'll start at the top of the bed, get his nose just under them and push them back to the foot of the bed bunched up then lay against it.
Love the pics of Sonny, he looks so comfy and warm.
Here are a couple of pics of my last Basenji, Benji
[image: attachment_p_99165_0_benjiasleep.jpg]
[image: attachment_p_99165_1_benji06.jpg]
All dogs that are treated well will be good protectors.You want big dogs means like Labs, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, etc. or any mixed breed dogs will do as well.
I've heard from dans ex once. she sent me a message on myspace.. but we have seen her a few times (dan and her were both in a wedding party last weekend) so we saw each other more than once last weekend and she didnt even say anything… in the message she said maggie was like her child.. and i wanted to tell her i feel sorry for her future children then..