• I'm SO happy you are back! For those of you who don't know, over the last year and a half I have been plotting a plan to kidnap Tillo. πŸ˜ƒ

    Seriously, lovely to have you back. I am so anxious for you to have Aiode in your home. I know you, Job and Mirtillo will guide her very well.

  • I remember you and Mirtillo. He is such a handsome boy.

    Congratulations on your new little girl πŸ™‚ She is going to be stunning.

    Love the colt as well πŸ™‚

  • oh, yea! I was seriously just thinking about you not too long ago. Was hoping Tillo's agility career was going better than my Zest's. Tillo is as handsome as always

  • Hi,
    Beautiful dogs and horse too. I am looking forward to our new pup turning into a great riding partner for me. I have 3 horses of my own and 2 more that I keep for clients. Am curious how yours does with the horse? Hubby is Belge and we love to get to Holland during our family visits there. Great big steaming cast irons of mussles really make our day!

  • @Jenga:

    Beautiful dogs and horse too. I am looking forward to our new pup turning into a great riding partner for me. I have 3 horses of my own and 2 more that I keep for clients. Am curious how yours does with the horse? Hubby is Belge and we love to get to Holland during our family visits there. Great big steaming cast irons of mussles really make our day!

    Tillo really likes Sonar (and all other horses), but normally I don't bring him. The farm is next to a busy road and there is no fence.. He can only come if Job is going as well, so I have an extra set of hands πŸ™‚ Good luck with your new pup!


    oh, yea! I was seriously just thinking about you not too long ago. Was hoping Tillo's agility career was going better than my Zest's. Tillo is as handsome as always

    Tillo's agility career isn't really going anywhere, haha. We are just enjoying the trainings and an occasional match in the debutant class. Tillo can't go any further, because the 'large' jumps are just too high for him 😞 We picked the most active and agile puppy from the litter, with the most attention for humans.. so I hope Aoide will do great in agility! (If she stays under 43 cm, she's a 'medium', so she can jump normal height)

  • Welcome back to the forum….. been watching those pups and your colt on Facebook!!! Website is excellent, love it

  • Good to see you and Tillo again. Your wonderful pictures and adventures have always been great for the rest of us to see and your new little girl is adorable!

  • @tanza:

    Welcome back to the forum….. been watching those pups and your colt on Facebook!!! Website is excellent, love it

    Thank you Pat! I'm so happy with both Sonar and Aoide! I had a hard time choosing a puppy, but it was so helpful to see them in real life, I almost immediately knew which one had to come to the Netherlands with us πŸ™‚ Now I'm counting the days.. Only 4 more days and we'll pick her up!


    Good to see you and Tillo again. Your wonderful pictures and adventures have always been great for the rest of us to see and your new little girl is adorable!

    Thank you Shaye's Mom! I'll promise to post enough pics of Tillo and Aoide!

  • Hi Janneke,

    I am about to get my basenjis, Willow and Kai, this weekend (yes, we have prepared as well as we can!). It's funny, my girl, Willow does not have a white collar, rather she has a white mark on the back of her neck - at first, I was a little disappointed, since she didn't look like the "typical" basenji that I had pictured in my head. Then I realized that some of the Bs that I love to look at the most on this forum are Kipawa and TIllo. I finally made the connection of the lack of collar to the 2 dogs. Now I am really excited that she is among the chosen few to be marked that way. I visit Tillos website often when I need some inspiration to get me through the long days until I get my baby dogs. Now I am in the final countdown.

    What part of the Netherlands are you in? I just had a fabulous 10-day trip to Amsterdam in October - half work and half pleasure. It was lovely.

  • @Amelie:

    Hi Janneke,

    I am about to get my basenjis, Willow and Kai, this weekend (yes, we have prepared as well as we can!). It's funny, my girl, Willow does not have a white collar, rather she has a white mark on the back of her neck - at first, I was a little disappointed, since she didn't look like the "typical" basenji that I had pictured in my head. Then I realized that some of the Bs that I love to look at the most on this forum are Kipawa and TIllo. I finally made the connection of the lack of collar to the 2 dogs. Now I am really excited that she is among the chosen few to be marked that way. I visit Tillos website often when I need some inspiration to get me through the long days until I get my baby dogs. Now I am in the final countdown.

    What part of the Netherlands are you in? I just had a fabulous 10-day trip to Amsterdam in October - half work and half pleasure. It was lovely.

    Hi Amelie,

    How exciting that you are adding two B's this weekend! I really like it when Basenjis haven't got a white collar. I like the way the white goes from Tillo's chest to his neck and how it is surrounded by the red coat.

    I was actually a bit disappointed that Aoide has so much white, haha πŸ˜‰ But she's just as sweet, cute, smart, special and pretty as she would have been without all that white.. so who cares πŸ˜‰ And it will probably look 'flashy' in the show ring :S :p

    We live right next to Amsterdam, in Almere! Good to hear you enjoyed yourself πŸ™‚ If you ever plan to return and need a Basenji fix, let me know! You are more than welcome πŸ™‚

  • Welcome back! See you often on FB but the photos seem so much nicer here. And I agree, love the 'solid color' look with a bit of a blaze. I find that I come to love however my dogs look, prior preferences go out the window once I fall in love with them.

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