• I want you all to meet Timmy! We didn't think we would have our first Family Basenji this soon, but when we heard about Timmy, he sounded like a dream come true….and he IS! We made the 4 1/2 hour trip to Ft. Worth where we met Brenda of Signet Kennels and Timmy. After learning about each other for a good hour or so, we decided that we could not leave without him. He did fantastic for the trek home and after taking a tour of the first floor, he quickly relaxed and made himself at home. He is a dream with our kids and has formed an adorable bond with our 10-year old daughter. He had a girl of his own with his previous owner the same age as our daughter. It has been an awesome weekend getting to know Timmy and watching him interact with the kids. We are so blessed!


  • Congratulations on your new family member 🙂

    Timmy looks like a sweetheart.

  • I would certainly agree, Timmy makes for a great weekend and many more weekends to come too.

  • Congrats on your new B. He looks like he is fitting in great with your family!

  • congratulations. Timmy is related to my girls and I always liked him. Brendas daughter Cierra is going to be showing one of my specials this year. Congratulations on your new family member.

  • Congratulations! So glad he is already comfortable with your family.


  • Oh yea! I guess I'll wait a week or so before asking when you'll be getting your second one 😉

  • Very cute - congrats! How old is Timmy?

  • Woo HOO….. glad that it worked out. I am sure that Brenda is thrilled to have Timmy in such a wonderful home!!!

  • These pics are so adorable! Majorly happy for you that you ended up with such a great B and so soon! Now he needs a sister 😉

  • Timmy is one handsome looking boy, and the pictures really show that he is loving his new family. Congratulations!

  • Timmy is a smart looking boy. How old is he ?

    with Joey in my heart

  • @agilebasenji:

    Oh yea! I guess I'll wait a week or so before asking when you'll be getting your second one 😉

    Didn't even have to wait that long!! I would LOVE FOR HIM TO HAVE A BUDDY, but we move every few years due to the military and moving with 3kids is hard enough! We'll see how Timmy does next year. The hubster and I have an agreement that we can get another when he retires.

  • @Anne-Marie:

    Timmy is a smart looking boy. How old is he ?

    with Joey in my heart

    Timmy is 3 years old. His birthday is 2 days before my 3 year old son's.

  • Thanks everyone. I'll be asking for advice I'm sure soon!

  • He is so cute. I'm happy you found each other. I especially love the last picture with his cute little face. Looks like he has a great temperament.

  • Timmy is very handsome and sounds as though he's going to fit in so well.

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