Those are great videos! Ebony looks very content to just chill and let Hope do all the work. Hope lets out a huge yawn at the end, like saying "aww.. I am giving up". Then Ebony pounces as if to say "look, I could have done that too, but I just chose not to. But I DID want you to know I could have done it". 🙂 You have two lovely b's!
B500 caught on video: in 2 parts
so i have my sister sleeping over (school holidays) and the girls decided to show off for her and do a massive B500 play. She got real excited by their craziness and recorded some of it on her ipod towards the end. Thought id share the videos with you.
(this is actually part 1 although i named the utube vid part 2). couch surfing -
LOL very cute.
Funny girls, thanks for posting!
Good videos. They're certainly having fun (sister too!!)