Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2011

  • @KitKat:

    Sent our buddy there gift on Friday, why should receive it today or Tues. Hope you enjoy it.:)

    Sonny received your package today!!! 🙂 As soon as I put the package on the floor and called him over he knew it was for him…he was sniffing away!!! Once I opened up the box he was all over it! He LOVES his toys 😃 The big orange guy is hysterical and he figured out right a way how to push the stomach with his nose and it makes the funniest noise! Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas presents!! Here's some pics of Sonny opening his presents 😉

  • LOVE those pictures, especially the 3rd one and the last one. The 3rd one looks like they are either having a staring contest, or Sonny's favourite movie is Taxi Driver and he is saying a la Travis Bickle: "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking… you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the f*** do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK". The last one looks like they have become best buddies. 🙂

    Yeah, I am a De Niro fan. Love Taxi Driver and the lesser known The King of Comedy.

  • Love the orange orangutang thing! Thank you for the pictures!

  • These are priceless pics of Sonny with his new orange orangutang!!!

  • First Basenji's

    laugh What an adorable toy! The last picture of Sonny getting "hugged" is precious.

  • What a great pictures!!!!

    I love the last one 😃 He has a new buddy 😃

    We send out our Package last saturday, have shopped in Germany AND Holland.. but.. we forget one little present…
    We bought two of the same snack's (one for each doggie) and when we got home, one of the snacks fell out of the (we thought to be) empty bag!
    Sorry, fortunately it was a tiny snack 😃 Our boys say thank you, for forgetting it 😃

  • well Kim, how DARE you think you bring dog stuff home and not letting Buana and Chaffie get anything! Ha ha 🙂 I can see the pride in their faces for nabbing the bag quickly! 🙂

  • 😃 It's just Basenji faith I think 😃

    Just for you to know 😃 They got the same ammount of present… oops... every single thing was so nice.. we bought it twice 😃
    And no.... they don't think they are spoiled!

  • So I got a parcel card in the mail today, so I made my hubby turn around and go into town to go pick it up. I was all excited….I get there go in to pick up my parcel and.......she comes out with a registered letter.....:(

  • @krunzer:

    So I got a parcel card in the mail today, so I made my hubby turn around and go into town to go pick it up. I was all excited….I get there go in to pick up my parcel and.......she comes out with a registered letter.....:(

    I just have this feeling that the Canadian mail system is clogged - cards I mailed Tuesday of last week to addresses in Canada have not made it to their destinations.

  • Maybe our parcels got hung up at the border – all those dog goodies in them probably tripped up the customs dogs! 😃 Maybe they decided to keep them for themselves - doggie contraband! 🆒 (there's still a couple of days yet)

  • Yes I can see it now, the big german sheppard looking for contraband going over the border…..then he sits beside our two packages wagging his tail. Open it open it!! So they flag them and open the boxes only to find them full of doggy goodies!! And the dog is like.......feeed me some of the treats, I know they are there.....oohhhh and I want that squeaker!

  • :o hahaha and after a while, we can see it on tv, with border security… can't wait to see that episode!

  • A Basenji buddy package arrived here today! The presents are wrapped so they're under the tree, no pre-Christmas opening of gifts for the Basenjis in this house. I opened the card though, the best one of the season thus far, it has a Basenji on it!

  • Gossy and Teddy's package arrived yesterday - Teddy latched on to the seal toy immeidately and started throwing it around the house (it landed in the christmas tree once) and the little chipmunk already has his hands and an ear gone and the stuffing pulled halfway out. And Gossy sampled the treats (amazing how they can get those packages open). Thanks and barooo.

    I took pictures but my camera won't download anything - aarrgghh! (maybe I can take it to the camera shop after Christmas and see if they can pull the photos).

  • Ohh I am so glad you got your presents! Tucker loves the tree with the chipmunks, I put a whack of toys in it and he loves to just pull them all out. I keep putting them in and he keeps pulling them out, he loves the challenge and it keeps his mind busy. I should have bought more 'Basenji proof' toys…..hahaha I don't think there is such a thing. Well hopefully they love them and have a Wonderful Christmas!

  • @wizard:

    I took pictures but my camera won't download anything - aarrgghh! (maybe I can take it to the camera shop after Christmas and see if they can pull the photos).

    Not to hijack the thread, but how about taking the camera card to someplace like WalMart or similar that has card readers in the "do it yourself" computers. Assuming the card is readable (should be if you can see the pix) they can make a CD of your pictures for you. Just a thought.

  • A present for the boys arrived yesterday 😃

    They are spoiled… really spoiled 😃
    There were two bags of snacks.. they could try it that minute and they love both 😃 (see the pictures, and also the one with them looking "we want more pleeeeeeeeeease)
    And then! There was a puppie kong!!!! Yay!!! the boys already have got their own kongs and nog our little Enya will have a kong of her own too 😃 😃 😃

    And... two tennis balls... Chaffie is the tennis ball freak and this morning we could not do anything because mister pretty wanted to play and we had to trow tennis balls for over half an hour 😃 (Ryan took over afterwards, they have played a long time :D)

    AND! a Kong genius!!! I never saw it in the stores before but WOW we can buy more pieces to make it sort of a puzzle.. 😃
    They already have a lot of fun with this one, I have (of course) kong stuffing and cookies so lots of fun time..

    Now see the pictures of two spoiled basenji boys 😃
    (don't mind the bad lightning of the pics)

  • Oh my! What do you do for an encore on Christmas?? They look like they are having a lot of fun! 🙂

  • Hunter & Bandit got their present yesterday!!!

    Thank you Alex!!!! They LOVE it!!! Pics of them enjoying their new toy!!!

    Wish I wouldn't have cropped off Bandit's ears in the one pic. Love her B sit!!!

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