Hey! This white stuff is cold on my feet!!!
It was about -10?C (14?F) today, and was snowing the whole time. But we have been walking for 3 hours today, and he didn't had any problem with that. Only when it's dark and cold, he doesn't really like to go out. Then it's just quickly doing his business (and checking out the kennels with the Alaskan Huskies that are in heat :rolleyes:).
As Kananga said we've had our first (late) snow here in Minnesota. My two were antsy at the door that morning as usual. Until I opened the door … Gossy the Elder just ran out like nothing different, but Teddy the Child immediately put on the brakes! He wanted to follow her so bad but clearly didn't know what the white stuff was. But soon he was off and running and now couldn't care less. Ha - just wait til our usual frigid cold arrives!
Years ago I saw a huge fight over the "afraid of dark" issue with basenjis. No one won.
Dark isn't safe for most animals though, Africa or anywhere. Personally, I have only had 3, none care. In fact have never had a dog afraid of the dark except our rescue poodle who was geriatric and forming cataracts. My daughter, however, who is not from Africa, used to be afraid of the dark. I suspect fear of the dark is innate in many species, so I don't dismiss it. I know this same debate has gone on with Chows also.
I will tell you this, just because it scarred me and I want to share.
Many years ago in a human anatomy and physiology class, the teacher told us to think of the times we were out in the dark and THOUGHT we saw something out the corner of our eyes but when we looked directly, nothing was there. He said, guess what– at night, you actually CAN see some things better out the corner of your eye-- so don't bet it wasn't there.
Gee thanks.
I wouldn't dare to say he is afraid of the dark. He just seems to not like going out when it is dark. And it's only the first few meters outside that he shows that he is not that happy with my decission to go out. If we walk a bit further, he seems just fine with it and happily trots besides me.
Maybe it's because most of the time I have to wake him up to go out early or late in the day. That he is still sleepy and a bit pissed off that he had to get up again, to go out in the dark. Or maybe it is so that he is a bit afraid of it, but that he get over it pretty quick once we are out. No idea actually, but a good question.
And the fact that you can see some things better out of the corner of your eye when it's dark, I noticed that many times, but never thought about it. Gonna pay a little more attention to that the next couple of nights I think. :D
-22 here with at least a foot of snow on the ground. Pretty soon we will be driving the Ski-doo around the yard making them paths to walk on. Poor guys go out there and come back in hopping on three feet (sometimes two). Sometimes I have to make the big rescue and go out there and pick them up. They come cruising thru the doggy door and straight to the wood stove to warm up. They better not need rescuing in a couple of weeks. I have to go for knee surgery and I don't think I can pack a dog while on crutches!!!